Tamika Newhouse, June's Self-Publishing Success Story.
Tamika encompasses the fact that you can live your dreams and be successful at self-publishing.
About Tamika: Tamika Newhouse is a self-published bestselling author. Founder of Delphine Publications, at the age of 21, Tamika appeared on various bestseller lists and won Self Published Author of the Year at the 2009 African American Literary Awards. Along with Delphine Publications, Tamika is the founder and
President of African Americans on the Move Book Club (AAMBC) - an online book club and radio show catering to avid readers across the nation. With future projects in the works from short films, stage plays and much more, Tamika is a young woman on a mission. Tamika presently tours the country speaking about
overcoming her teen pregnancy to fulfill her dream, as well as teaching aspiring writers the publishing ropes. She has hosted her own internet radio show (AAMBC) for over three years and continues to expand her brand. She is currently living in San Antonio with her husband son, and daughter. She is currently working on her fourth novel Cookie: A Fort Worth Story.
Born Latoya James, when starting high school, Cookie believes this is her time to stand out from underneath her sister’s shadow. Always declared the odd one, she makes it her mission to be noticed by anyone who will pay attention. Reality starts to settle in when she realizes life isn’t always peaches and cream. After witnessing the rape of her best friend, and then the death of one of her classmates, she starts to believe life isn’t what she thought it would be.
Sex, drugs, catering to her new demons, and hanging out with the older crowd become her escape and not even her high school sweetheart can steer her straight. It isn’t until she realizes everyone around her is not who they seem to be when she decides to change her life. But when she experiences an unwanted pregnancy and the death of her mother, Cookie is left to wonder if this is the way her life will always be.
Based on a true story, Cookie is a gripping tale of a teen girl who had to grow up sooner than later. Taking place in one of the fastest-growing suburbs of Fort Worth, witness the life of Cookie and her quest to be loved, appreciated, and wanted. You will soon discover life is never what it seems.

Let me first introduce myself. My name is Latoya James but everyone calls me Cookie. This story I want to tell you is a personal journey of mines. Not everyone goes to High School becomes Valedictorian and goes off to a University out of state and lives happily ever after. This isn’t that type of story. I know at some point in your life when you were young and dumb you did some things you can’t believe you did. Well I can relate. I can remember as far back as seven years old when I struggled with being happy. I can remember my love for writing and my love for being alone and off to myself. That was me then. Now I am grown and living life on my own and can no one take credit for the wrong I do or the good I do in life.
Wonder why people called me cookie. I can’t remember but as far as back I can remember that was my identity. As I tell you my story I will reminisce and wish I could take it back and re do it. I wish I could take away the tears I cried or the moments I was weak and did something I would regret. I would think that after my mother taught me the word of the bible and sent me to church five days a week that I would know what not to do. But I was a kid; we do trial and error our whole child hood. It doesn’t matter what you were taught or what was told you will still make the final decision whether it’s good or bad. Did I make the right decisions in life? Could I talk to mama now and she say, Girl now you know better. It doesn’t matter who agrees with me or not as I tell this story because the fact is this is how I felt. This is what happened in my eyes. Believe it or not but I wasn’t always happy. But now I can say look at me now. Look at who I am today. But my journey here was not an easy one.
Purchase at www.delphinepublications.com
Visit author at www.tamikanewhouse.comFollow on twitter at www.twitter.com/tamikanewhouse
~a woman with a vision
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