Can I Feature You And Your Book?

Being a featured author here is a free service provided on behalf of authors to help them gain exposure for their books.
I have been featuring authors here on the blog since 2010.
Every month, depending on the volume, I feature 1-4 authors here on the blog at no cost to the author.
Being a featured author is easy. Below you will find all of the requirements to be featured. Strict adherence to the guidelines is required however in order to ensure that your feature is published in a timely manner.
Depending on volume received, book features are posted weekly and remain on the blog indefinitely.
It is required that, in exchange for being featured on the blog, that you share the feature with your social media channels and promotions.
Here is what I need from you in order to be featured here on Meet the Author with Sandra N. Peoples:
- The title of your book
- A sample from your book
- A link to where your workbook can be purchased
- Your bio
- Your photo
- Your contact information
And that's it!
Once listed, your feature will hold a permanent position here on the blog. You will be notified via email when your feature is posted.- You must submit all materials in one file AS AN ATTACHMENT to: in order to be considered. Please do not send multiple attachments and please be sure that your file is labeled with your name and the title of your work.
- All photos should be sent as a JPEG or PNG file or they will not be accepted.
- All bios, book samples and other information should be submitted AS AN ATTACHMENT in Microsoft Word or compatible format. NO PDFs please.
- If you are missing any required information, I will not feature you.
- It is a requirement that in exchange for the feature here on my blog that you share the link to your story on social media, in groups and forums of which you belong, and with your fans and followers.
One final thing: I reserve the right to not feature anything that I deem to be inappropriate for my readers.
I also reserve the right to promote your interview via the social media and promotional channels that I utilize.
Looking forward to featuring you here on Meet the Author with Sandra N. Peoples!