Friday, November 18, 2011

The Writer, The Author, and the Business Owner

By Sandra Peoples

What is a writer? A person who writes things of course. An author is defined as the originator or creator of anything or one who writes literary works. A business owner is a person engaged in a commercial enterprise, occupation, company or calling. What do these three have in common?

The writer is in business because they author pieces of work. People generally refer to writers as people who create work for magazines, the world wide web, any other forms of content. A writer can be any person who possesses the skills to get people to comprehend what it is that they are trying to say.

The author is also a person who writes, but is mainly associated with having written a book.

The business owner can be a writer or an author because like it or not when you decide to write things for pay, you are starting a business.

A writer is an author and a business person, though many writers feel that they are not. And this is a huge misconception in the publishing industry. When you make the decision to be serious about your writing career you will want to learn how to be a business person as well. Which means that you will begin to invest in yourself. In your talents. In your career.

This is something that must be taught because if not, writers and authors will never take their businesses seriously and in turn will never see the kind of money they can truly make.

As a business owner, it is crucial to learn how to start and run a business, even if the vast majority of your time will be spent online.

You have have to learn how to market your business, how to get customers, and the list goes on.

The writer, the author and the business owner all face the same issue: getting people to notice them and the product they have for sale.

  • Your book is a product that must be sold.

  • Your writing skills are services that must be packaged and marketed effectively.

  • Your business is a combination of products and services.

Once you learn to think like the entrepreneur that you are, you will start to see things take a dramatic turn for the better in your life.

Notice that this is referring to those who want to make a career out of writing. Not the people who are one hit wonders. Meaning, writing a book or publishing an article and never doing anything again.

This one time stuff is the reason why so many people's writing careers never take off. You can't do just one thing and expect to gain a huge following. Consistency is the key to success.

Now, a true writer has the ability to write more than just a book. They can write articles for magazines. They can write web content for others. Many choose to just focus on writing books, and that is fine, but a true writer can write anything.

So the question is, are you a true writer, or are you a one hit wonder? Is this your career or are you just an imposter.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Best Selling Author

As authors, this is the ultimate goal: to be able to add the words, 'best selling author' to our resume`'s. Well, while it's not impossible, it does take much effort from you as the author. You have to believe in yourself enough to know that earning the title of best selling author is well within your reach. Here are three things you need to consider doing to help you achieve the status of, 'best selling author'.
  1. Study other authors that have become best sellers. What are their habits? What do you see them doing on a consistent basis that you are not?
  2. Revamp your marketing plan. What are you doing to get the word out about your book? Perhaps a simple tweak to your plan could help you find an untapped audience.
  3. Explore all the sales channels. Your book is your product. You have to look at your book as a product that must be sold and look at all the areas of which you could do so.
You as the author have the power to take your book to a totally different level. The best selling author knows the value of hard work, dedication and determination, which you yourself must embrace. No book can sell millions without some work of the author, and no author can become a best selling author if no effort is made on their part.

So, get out your marketing plan and look for areas that can stand to be redone, then work on a realistic plan to gain more exposure for your book. Then, make a list of all the authors who have made the bestsellers list and study them. Learn what they do differently to enjoy massive book sales. And finally, explore every possible sales channel available for your book. Look for places less traditional to score sales you may have never imagined.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rhyming Her Way to the Top

November Success Story
**Side note**
This blog was originally featured over at what was intended to be a new blog. However, I have decided to dedicate this blog to writers, their accomplishments and services that can benefit them. Thanks for sticking with me and following me, embracing me and encouraging me. I love you:)

This month's Publishing Success Story is Poet Marcie Eanes.

Marcie Eanes is a journalist and poet who holds a BA in Journalism from
Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. She has written for numerous publication
including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Grand Rapids Press newspapers. Her
work has appeared in Essence and Seventeen magazines. Another accomplishment was
serving on the volunteer team for the inaugural edition of Chicken Soup for the
African American Soul book series.

Eanes has shared her poetry in a variety of venues across the nation. In August
2007 she was one of nine finalists featured at the annual convention of the
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), one of largest and most
influential organizations for journalists of color. Eanes's poem, Quiet Feminity, was chosen for the Austin International Poetry Festival's 2011 'di-verse'-city' anthology. This prestigious event, yearly in Austin, Texas to celebrate National Poetry Month, highlights poets from the United States and
around the world .

Sensual Sounds is Eanes's first poetry book.She is currently working on a book
entitled 'Passion's Embrace,' a mix of poetry and prose.
Sensual Sounds is available on and

Now living in her hometown of Racine, Wisconsin, Marcie lived in Los Angeles
California for nearly 15 years. Los Angeles was the city where her career as
a spoken word poet began..Eanes is a member of several organizations
including the National Society of Black Journalists (NABJ).

Excerpt from Sensual Sounds:

Marcie Eanes
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

Bright golden sun!
Welcome me as a well-loved child
when I rise to greet you.
Energize me with hope as I strive
to reach my life goals.
Remind me not to waste God's gifts
as I move from morning to evening
Fill my days with the brightness
you radiate.

Oh, yellow moon!
Open your arms and soothe my spirits
as light gives way to darkness.
Help me to reflect on the way I've
lived my lived my life in the sun.
Grant me courage to do better tomorrow.
Renew my entire being
in the sleeping darkness.

Twinkling crystal stars!
Illuminate the blue black sky
with your brilliance.
Unequaled beauty God created
for all to enjoy.
Encourage dreams and dreams
and dreams

Sensual Sounds is available on and
ISBN:978-1-4401-9285-2. Follow on Facebook : Marcie Eanes Poetry

New Services for Writers and Entrepreneurs

Wow! It's so hard to believe that 2011 is almost gone and we are on the brink of a brand new year. With that being said, have you given any thought to your promotional methods for your business, book, product or service? Just in case you haven't, don't worry. I have.
In 2012, I have many plans in store because as always, I am thinking about entrepreneurs. I am also always looking for ways to help writers make more money doing what they love, which is of course, writing. I believe that as a writer, you should be able to make big money writing.
I have new services that I am offering in 2012 to help entrepreneurs to grow their businesses online and learn how to make more money in their business. Let's face it: none of us that have chosen the entrepreneurial path has done so to continue to work for someone. I didn't.
When I chose to become an entrepreneur and work from home, I did so because of my children.
I was sick and tired of working long hours, weekends and holidays in a nursing home. I often worried about my oldest daughter, wondering if her grandmother made it to pick her up on time, or, if something happened at school. You know, the basic mother worries. I wondered if my youngest daughter would even recognize that I was her mother. I worked so hard I didn't know what day it was, nor the season. I only knew that I had worked today so I had tomorrow off, or that I had worked three days straight and today was my off day.
My kids and I did nothing over the summer. I almost cried when I realized that I had worked the entire summer away and hadn't even noticed that it was time for my oldest daughter to go BACK to school.
When did she even get out.
I had to miss parent teacher conferences and report card pickups because I worked second shift.
All this working and I still was barely making it.
I knew that there had to be a better life for me.
I just had no idea of where to find it.
So, I continued to work for a little while longer, then, I hurt my back.
I couldn't work in a nursing home anymore.
And, I was battling depression from going through a divorce. (Want to know the reason for my divorce? Get your copy of my book,Foolish).
So, I had to do something. My book was doing okay, but not well enough to pay the rent or anything like that. And my other book was out of print because I had refused to renew my contract with them.
I had two kids to take care of.
So, I started looking for work from home jobs.
Well, you know how that goes.
You sign up for all of these sites that promise to provide legit work from home opportunities when really, they fill your email inbox with junk, and charge you an arm and a leg to join their program.
I had tried everything.
Then I realized, I could make money from home writing things. And I could teach others how to do the same.
So, I started writing. And teaching classes. And learning online marketing.
Then it clicked. I was on to something.
I was starting to see a change in my finances.
I could be at home with my kids.
I no longer had to miss the parent teacher conferences. (Which I love by the way)
So, for 2012, I am on a mission.
I want to teach writers and entrepreneurs how to make money online. How to profit from their passions, fall in love with their businesses and learn to create the kind of life they truly want to live.
Their dream lives.
Now, in doing this, I have new services that I will be unveiling in the coming weeks. So, if you want to be in the know, all you have to do is follow this blog. I will be letting you know all about the services, how you can benefit and get involved and work with me personally.
I will also be unveiling my brand new company created to help struggling writers and entrepreneurs to stop doing so.
So stay tuned,
Please feel free to share my posts with your friends. Especially if they are in business or are writers looking to cash in on the power of writing. Writing pays.