Do you have a Success Library? If You Do, Then
Steve Harvey's book, "Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success" Should Be On The Shelf.
I am always on the look out for books that can help me to play a bigger game in both business and life.I think that every entrepreneur should have a success library full of books that they can use to help keep them motivated and inspired in this walk of being our own bosses.
I understand that there are many people who want success, but don't want to do those things that will cause success to come to them.
In reading Steve Harvey's book, Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success: Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches
He had to start somewhere.
Many people never, ever start.
They will talk about starting, but they will never put one foot in front of the other and start.
One of the biggest things I got from this book is to not be afraid to ask.
It is so important that you understand this.
You know, we are often taught that we should not ask so many questions, or that there are certain things that we should not ask for.
Not asking for help when you need it could be the difference between your success or failure.
Think about it: how many times have you needed help with something but were afraid to ask for help because you did not want people to think that you were dumb, or surprised that you didn't know the answer already?
(Am I the only person raising my hand???)
Or, how many times were you in need of finances for one reason or another, but did not ask because you did not want people to know that you needed money?
Closed mouths don't get fed.
Never be afraid to ask for what you need.
The bible even tells us that we 'have not because we ask not.'
Another thing I learned is that you have to prioritize and plan for success.
What are you doing to show the universe that you are ready for success to come your way?
One thing I have learned from studying the habits of successful people is that they are not lovers of sleep. They take power naps, but they don't sleep.
The rapper T.I. said in one of his songs that he will sleep when he is buried.
When being a success becomes a priority in your life, you will not love sleep anymore either.
Successful people start their days earlier than most others--some as early as 3:15 am!
I have kids, so I have to work in a few hours of rest where I can.
But I don't love sleep.
In fact, right now as I type this, it is 1:29 am , eastern standard time.
I have to get up at 7 am for church.
And I will.
I can't imagine sleeping an entire day when there is so much work to be done in my business!
You need to set goals, and plan for your success.
If you don't plan, you will fail.
So, I encourage you today to purchase your copy of Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success: Discovering Your Gift and the Way to Life's Riches
Until next time,