Friday, May 20, 2011

Are You Giving Away Too Much?

As authors, we often feel that in order to get people to read what we have written that we have to give away the whole cow. But haven't you heard the old saying, "why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?" This doesn't just apply to relationships, it applies to your book and your business as well.

Yes, in this business you will find yourself giving away a few books in order to increase your readership. But there are other things that you can give to your readers that will be just as valuable, and will make them want to buy your book.

One thing you can give is advice. New authors are always seeking advice from those who have already published a book. You can give advice, but don't be taken advantage of. Just like you had to learn it, you should require some work to be done on behalf of the one seeking the advice. If they ask you for help, offer to give it with the stipulation that they do something in return. Have them email you their questions, or join you on facebook, or follow you on twitter. Don't just give, qualify everyone that comes to you to ensure that they are not just using you for your information. Truth be told, these people that come to you for free advice, will nine times out of ten, turn around and charge someone to give them this same advice. Be wise.

You can share your knowledge in classes and workshops that center around the subjects of writing and publishing, but charge a small fee, or investment as it is often called in the business world. Investments often separate the real from the fake. It will let you know who is serious and who is just out to waste your time.

If you are going to give away some books, be sure that it is for a good reason. For instance, if you contact a book club, offer to send the owner a free book. This way, you have only lost money on the one book should the club decide to decline on reading the book, versus trying to butter up the group by giving free copies to every member and have them decide not to read it. I have heard of authors that have done this and have been hurt in the end when the book was not even a chosen read for the club.

You can offer free gifts with purchase, which in turn will encourage people to purchase your book. Don't just give away books for the sake of doing so. You can't make money that way. Though you may be passionate about the craft, isn't it nice to earn money while doing something you love?

The bottom line is: be wise in the information that you share with others, especially when it comes to you and the product that you sell, be it books, Avon, whatever. You have to decide when to give of yourself, and how much to give. Being wise will keep you from getting burned in the end.

Until next time,


Monday, May 16, 2011

Planning Your Book Promotion

 By L. Cross

With more than 1 million new books published each year, every book needs help to find its market. Part of your job as an author is to market and promote your book.

Book marketing involves:

* Defining your reader

What does your book offer readers? What distinguishes your book from others on the topic? Who would read your book?

* Reaching your potential reader

Where are your potential readers? What magazines and newspapers do they read, where do they shop, which blogs do they visit, what television programs do they watch, which radio programs and podcasts do they listen to, and what social media sites do they frequent?

* Developing a strategy to convince your potential readership to buy your book

The three main components of book marketing are advertising, promotions, and publicity. Advertising is expensive and not particularly effective for selling books. Promotions - such as discounts, promotional materials (postcards, bookmarks, etc.), and co-op funds offered to booksellers - are provided by your publisher if your book is traditionally published. If you are self-published, promotions are not essential for your marketing plan. Publicity is the most effective and least expensive form of book marketing.

Publicity - obtaining media coverage for your book - is like free advertising. It adds legitimacy by way of a third-party endorsing your book. Garnering the right media coverage can have a valuable impact on book sales. Here are seven ways to begin to effectively plan publicity for your book:

1. Stay aware of current events to determine how your topic may be relevant and think of ways to pitch print, television, radio, and online media
2. Watch talk shows and news programs to determine how your book may appeal to a show's producer
3. Research publications and newspapers you can approach to author articles or a column
4. Listen to radio programs (online and offline) and podcasts - to learn which hosts or shows may be interested in your subject or expertise
5. Locate blogs that are synergistic with your topic and begin to comment on posts and create a relationship with the blogger
6. Join LinkedIn, FaceBook, and Twitter groups that your potentials readers follow and begin to participate in the discussion and offer advice based on your expertise and subject matter
7. Make a list of print media that may be interested in excerpts (such as Top 10 lists or questionnaires) from your book


1. Develop your book publicity strategy
2. Select one item from your plan and implement it this week!

You may reprint this article as long as you include all of the following information:
Laura Cross is a business strategist, author, and professional ghostwriter. She provides business, publishing, and platform strategies to help entrepreneurs get known as the go-to experts in their field, become published authors, attract high-paying clients, garner major media, and earn more money with less effort by packaging their expertise. Grab a copy of the Free Audio CD "How to Establish Your Expertise, Become a Published Author, and Leverage Your Knowledge for More Profits, More Prospects, and Major Media" at
Copyright © 2011 All Rights Reserved

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Do This Before You Self Publish

There is one step in preparing to become a self-published author that if avoided can end up costing you book sales, fans and credibility in the publishing industry. In fact, failure to take this step led to one author sharing her book title with that of an Essence bestselling author—and losing tons of sales in the process. This one step takes less than five minutes to perform and can save you from heartache and pain: Make sure that your book does not share a title with anyone else.
In order to research your title, it is a good idea to start with Type in the title you are thinking of using and see what other books come up in your search with that same title. If your book will be sharing the name of another book, you may want to consider revising the title or changing it all together. You can also do a Google search, by typing in the title you are thinking of using.
It may be difficult to find a title that no one is using, but if you are so in love with a title and your book will be sharing its name with too many other books, you are playing Russian roulette with your book sales.

  • If you are thinking of using a pen name, research that as well. You don’t want to be stealing someone else’s spotlight or find yourself having to share yours.
This step is referred to as an overlooked step because it is not one that you will hear about often. While it is important to research your titles and pen names, it is also imperative that you also research your character’s occupations and actual events that occur in your story to be sure that it is accurate. Otherwise, your book will not be believable and that will defeat the purpose of writing a book in the first place. The latter of the research may take a bit longer to do, but hey, isn’t your book and your good name as an author worth every minute?
The bottom line: research is the key to success not only in the publishing industry, but in any industry. Make sure that you are putting your best foot forward. You know what they say: you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Make sure you are doing everything right the first time around and there will be no need for a second.

Be sure to get your copy of 'Foolish', the ebook from Sandra Peoples for your Nook, Pc or other reading device. (Also available for Kindle)


Want more information about the self publishing process? Get your copy of 'The Truth About Self Publishing Manual' for your Nook, PC, Kindle or other reading device.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Four Free or Inexpensive Ways to Grow Your Business

Every entrepreneur wants to know how they can gain new customers in order to grow their business. This goes double for the author trying to get their books into the hands of their readers. Customers are key components to the success of any business. Without customers, which provide much needed finances to help your business to thrive, your business is destined for failure. So the burning question on any entrepreneur`s mind would be how to grow their business in order to continue to please their current clients while consistently gaining new ones. This article will show three tools you can successfully use to grow your business.
1. Create a Facebook business or fan page. Facebook can be a very valuable tool when it comes to growing your business. Your page will allow you to reach out to not only local people, but people from all over the world.
2. Put up a website. Creating a web presence for your business allows you to be global, which with the right marketing and promotion could spell big clients for your business.
3. Start a Twitter account. You can use twitter to announce specials and discounts exclusive to followers, which will encourage people to follow you.
4. Create a newsletter or e-zine. Creating a newsletter, whether online or off, can result in an increase of customer traffic. An e-zine, which is a magazine that is published an distributed online, usually via email , could also drive customers to your door or websites to purchase your product.
In order to grow your business, it is imperative that you be creative. It may mean taking advantage of tools you may have otherwise never thought of considering. You have to be willing to do some very big things in order to achieve some very big results.