Friday, September 27, 2013

Stop Being Stingy

Fear Of Advertising Will Kill Your Sales

I see it all too often.

A good business idea never makes it past the infant stage because the business owner was scared of one thing: the 'a' word.

What is this word that kills so viciously?

This word that causes people to cringe?

It is a word that should make those with something to sell very happy.

Instead, this 'a' word, makes people tingle with fear.

This dreaded word I speak of, is advertising.

Why are so many so called entrepreneurs afraid of spending money in effort to promote their products and service?


I will tell you why.

There are mainly one of three reasons.

They are either broke, stingy or lazy.

It may be harsh, but it is true.

Many entrepreneurs start their businesses on a wing and a prayer, hoping that they will make enough money from the people who find them through word of mouth.

Don't get me wrong, word of mouth is great for advertising, but how are the words of your business going to get into anyone's mouth if they know nothing about you to begin with?

The same goes for authors.

With so many free platforms available for authors to publish their books on, many tend to think that they don't have to advertise; that people will just so happen to stumble upon their books and make them a bestseller.

Uh-uh, nope, not gonna happen captain.

Even if your advertising costs nothing but investing in a domain name that you will use to promote your work, you need to advertise some sort of way.

Stop being so darn stingy, yet expecting people to spend their money with you.

That is not the way the world works.

Even the bible tells us to give and it shall be given unto us.

Now, you're probably reading this and saying, 'Sandra, this is NOT your normal stuff'.

And you're right. Today's a little different.

I am trying to get you to see that if you invest in someone else's business, people will in turn invest in yours.

Whether it's to buy books, purchase a personal training session, whatever.

The rules don't change.

So, here's my challenge to you.

Stop being stingy and start being more supportive.

If someone offers a service you need and it won't break your bank (yes, you must use wisdom), then support them and buy their service. And in exchange, ask them to support you.

I have sold many books this way, as well as other products and services.

So, don't be mad. Be happy that I care enough about you to tell you to step up your game and start doing what the big kids do: advertise and support.

Until next time,

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Want To Sell More Books? Be More Social.

 To Succeed As An Author, You Must Connect With Readers.

There is a sad misconception in the publishing industry. Many authors tend to think that just because they wrote a book, success is going to magically find them.

In order to become the success you want to be, you have to learn how to connect with your readers.

The best way to do that is through the use of social media.

Your readers are hanging out on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and other places online.

Not connecting with them there could prove to not only be detrimental to your book sales, but it could also have the same bearing on your career as an author in general.

People buy from those they know, like and trust.

This is true in the business world as well as in the real world.

If your readers can't find a connection with you, they will not buy your book.

I like to read books of the authors that I have built relationships with.

I have many author friends whose books I have purchase simply because I knew them and wanted to support them. Many of these people I managed to build relationships with via a social media outlet.

As an author, you need to use the power of social media to your advantage.

These outlets should be play a major role in the overall marketing plan of your book.

So how do you use these outlets to foster relationships with potential readers, fans and followers.

Be real. Be unique. Be yourself.

Don't set up a Facebook page just to get likes.

You want to use your Facebook page to actually engage with the people you want to buy your books.

Introduce yourself to people. Answer their questions and let them have a little sneak peak inside your life.

Don't spend all day just tweeting about your book. Nobody wants you selling to them all day.

Remember, the key word in social media is social.

Spend more time talking to your tribe and you will see an increase in both your book sales and profits.

Until next time,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

7 Reasons To Self-Publish

Your Book Deserves A Fighting Chance

If you are one the thousands of aspiring authors contemplating self-publishing, here are seven good reasons why you should stop putting it off and put yourself in the running to become 'best-selling author'.

1. Save Time. Most traditional publishers work on an 18 month cycle. By working with Sandra, your book can be completed in as little as 2 months!

2. Control. Self-Publishing gives you the final say on the direction of your book.

3. Bigger Profits. A large publisher may finance the project but may only offer a 5 to 15% royalty. Since all authors must do their own promoting anyway, why not self-publish and earn a 40-400% margin? If your book becomes a hit, publishers will come calling. This will give you the upper hand in negotiations.

4. Sole Owner. As a self-publisher, you own all rights to your book. A traditional publisher owns the rights. If they lose interest in your book, you cannot print additional copies unless you purchase those rights back.

5. Filling a Niche. Traditional Publishers may not take interest in your book, especially if it deals with a very specific topic. They may feel the demand is not great enough to warrant a large press run. Your book may fill a niche that has not been met, and you can test the waters with short run printing. If you are an expert in the field, who better to publish and sell?

6. Local Advantage. Books about local or regional topics are generally produced by local authors in short run quantities. Large publishers will decline publishing these books because of their limited sales potential.

7. Be In Print. Making money is not the only reason to publish. Sharing what you have learned or leaving a legacy to your family are other admirable motives.

If you are considering whether or not self-publishing is for you, I have put together manual to help make the entire process go a lot smoother. It's called 'The Self-Publishing Blueprint: the easy way to publish, promote and sell your own book.' Read more about it and purchase your copy here.

Until next time,

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Experiment in Self-Publishing Leads to Ebook Success

 Find A Need And Fill It...With Your Book

Eric Goldman and Rebecca Tushnet self-published a legal casebook on advertising and marketing law as an ebook.

The reasoning behind self-publishing the book was due to the fact that there were no published casebooks covering advertising and advertising law and professors found themselves having to compile their own materials to use in the courses.

Goldman and Tushnet saw this as an opportunity and published an 870 page, 400,000 word casebook to fill the need.

The two utilized self-publishing platforms such as Scribd and Gumroad to publish the book, seeing which medium was the better one to use.

Through their experience, Goldman and Tushnet were able to reflect on some of the pros and cons of self-publishing.

You can read about the pros and cons that they learned, as well as read the entire story on

Until next time,

What If You Were The 400 Million Dollar Powerball Winner?

Many Dream Of Winning Big, But Few Ever Do

Who doesn't dream of winning the lottery?
On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, the nation's fifth largest jackpot ever was up for grabs. It's amazing how investing in a two dollar ticket could possibly make you a multi-millionaire.
Though millions of people dream of one day becoming an instant millionaire, the reality is, only a few ever get that opportunity.
Honestly, it would probably be better if you didn't win.

A special on ABC's 20/20 shared the story of one man whose streak of luck cost him his life.

Abraham Shakespeare was a truck driver's assistant who won a 30 million dollar lottery jackpot, receiving 17 million of that back in 2006. In 2009, Shakespeare was declared missing by his family and in January 2010, his body was found buried under a concrete slab in the backyard of an acquaintance.

On the fateful day of his winnings, Shakespeare had five dollars in cash on him. Of that five dollars, two were spent on lottery tickets.

Though he won 17 million dollars in 2006, by 2010, Abraham was broke.

Shakespeare was upset with all of the people who had come to him asking for money, pretending to be his friend, only to get a handout from him.

Enter Dorice Donegan "Dee-Dee" Moore, who launched a business with Abraham and gave herself control over the firm's funds.

She used a million dollars to purchase a Hummer, a Corvette, and a truck, claiming the purchases to be gifts from Shakespeare.

On November 9, 2009, Abraham was reported missing.

It would only be a few months before Shakespeare's body would be found buried under 5 feet (1.5 m) of dirt under a newly constructed concrete slab.

Abraham Shakespeare was 43.

It's a very scary thought, but with so many people hurting for money, would winning the lottery actually make you a winner, or would you end up losing something far more valuable; like your life.

Here's my advice. If you do happen to be one of those who experience a lucky streak and end up winning millions in the lottery, make your first investment a bodyguard.

You should also have someone to manage your finances who has actually managed millions of dollars.

And know who your REAL friends and family are so that you don't get  bombarded with bums wanting a piece of your winnings.

 Until next time,


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oh To Be Hated On Twitter

Twitter Is A Powerful Marketing Tool

Twitter has the power to make or break a person. Millions of people take to the microblogging site to post quick updates of their opinions or their 'what I'm doing right now' moments.

I was checking my email this morning and came across a very interesting article for the BET Daily News about how some people are using Twitter to bash their 'favorite' celebrities.

I say favorite loosely because by favorite I mean 'favorite person people love to hate'.

I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but should we really be allowed to abuse that entitlement to bash people, even celebrities?

Case in point, if you watched this year's VMA's (Video Music Awards), you probably saw the Miley Cyrus performance that has everyone still talking. (And if you didn't, you can watch it here). Her shocking performance garnered over 300,000 tweets per minute.

Aww, the power of Twitter.

If only authors could realize magical power Twitter holds for them when it comes to book promotion.

Imagine having your raving fans running to post their opinions about you and your book, every minute.

It would spell more books sold and more clout for the author in general.

Yet, so many authors have no idea of just how to tap into the brilliance of Twitter.

So, here is an assignment for you.

  • If you haven't registered for a Twitter account yet, you need to do so.
  • Second, think of the hashtags you want to use in relation to your book.
  • Third, start to tweet, using your hashtags, and reaching out to your fans and followers. Be sure to tell them to follow you on Twitter if they are not already and think of something exclusive that only your Twitter followers can receive.
Twitter is a powerful marketing tool and if used correctly, could propel your writing career to astronomical heights.

Until next time,

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Bunkr to replace Powerpoint? Twitter is going public?

Everyday it seems we get introduced to a new form of social media.

Now, even our presentations are getting a dose of it.

Welcome Bunkr. 

 Think Pinterest, teamed with Powerpoint, HTML 5 and Evernote all rolled into one.

For my fellow bloggers and other content creators, this may be a must-have tool to add to your arsenal.

You can learn more about Bunkr on the B2B online blog.

Also, I have a note about our dear friend, Twitter.

As you may have heard, Twitter is going public.

I wonder what that means for the millions of people who use the social media tycoon on a daily basis.

Most companies, when they go public, change the way they do things.

Take Facebook for example.

We saw a lot of changes when it joined the ranks of other publicly traded companies.

Do you think it will affect you as a blogger, writer, or other content creator?

Here's my take on it.

I don't know. But I do think it's something to definitely keep your eyeballs on.

Now the question for many is how will Twitter make money once it goes public.

Will it continue to be free, or will they start to charge for things.

Like maybe they will actually start to charge per tweet.

You can find a great explanation of how Twitter makes it money on

Until next time, take care, stay safe, and thanks for reading.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Want To Sell More Books? Find Your Tribe.

Sometimes, Being A Self-Published Author Can Feel Cold And Lonely

Making the decision to publish your own book can be both scary and exciting. It is exciting because you will get to see something that you have written in print. Scary because you are embarking on a journey that may forever change your life.

You must understand that just because you decided to follow your dreams and publish your own book does not mean that everyone is going to be happy for you. In fact, be prepared for the vast majority not to be.

Be prepared for reviewers to turn your book away because you did not go through a traditional publisher.

Be prepared for family and friends NOT to buy your book.

Sometimes you may feel as if you have no support system.

You may even start to wonder why you even wasted your time self-publishing anyway.

If there is one thing that can be said about self-publishing it is this: you must have tough skin.

Just because one person told you they didn't want to purchase your book does not mean every reader feels that way.

What you have to do is find your tribe.

You have to find those raving fans of yours who will support you, encourage you and be on the lookout for EVERYTHING you write.

Once you find your own flock, the world won't seem so cold and lonely afterall.

Instead, you will feel like a celebrity.

Your tribe will not only read your book, but recommend it to others, who will in turn offer to write a review for you.

Your tribe will direct you to those blogs (like this one) that do review the books of self-published Authors.

Find your tribe and your life will change for the better.

So, here is your action step: get busy defining who your tribe is and get to work finding them. These are the people you need to have in your corner to help boost your readership and increase your sales.

Without them, your raving fans, life in the self-publishing arena will always be a cold and lonely place.