Friday, September 13, 2013

Want To Sell More Books? Find Your Tribe.

Sometimes, Being A Self-Published Author Can Feel Cold And Lonely

Making the decision to publish your own book can be both scary and exciting. It is exciting because you will get to see something that you have written in print. Scary because you are embarking on a journey that may forever change your life.

You must understand that just because you decided to follow your dreams and publish your own book does not mean that everyone is going to be happy for you. In fact, be prepared for the vast majority not to be.

Be prepared for reviewers to turn your book away because you did not go through a traditional publisher.

Be prepared for family and friends NOT to buy your book.

Sometimes you may feel as if you have no support system.

You may even start to wonder why you even wasted your time self-publishing anyway.

If there is one thing that can be said about self-publishing it is this: you must have tough skin.

Just because one person told you they didn't want to purchase your book does not mean every reader feels that way.

What you have to do is find your tribe.

You have to find those raving fans of yours who will support you, encourage you and be on the lookout for EVERYTHING you write.

Once you find your own flock, the world won't seem so cold and lonely afterall.

Instead, you will feel like a celebrity.

Your tribe will not only read your book, but recommend it to others, who will in turn offer to write a review for you.

Your tribe will direct you to those blogs (like this one) that do review the books of self-published Authors.

Find your tribe and your life will change for the better.

So, here is your action step: get busy defining who your tribe is and get to work finding them. These are the people you need to have in your corner to help boost your readership and increase your sales.

Without them, your raving fans, life in the self-publishing arena will always be a cold and lonely place.

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