Saturday, September 21, 2013

7 Reasons To Self-Publish

Your Book Deserves A Fighting Chance

If you are one the thousands of aspiring authors contemplating self-publishing, here are seven good reasons why you should stop putting it off and put yourself in the running to become 'best-selling author'.

1. Save Time. Most traditional publishers work on an 18 month cycle. By working with Sandra, your book can be completed in as little as 2 months!

2. Control. Self-Publishing gives you the final say on the direction of your book.

3. Bigger Profits. A large publisher may finance the project but may only offer a 5 to 15% royalty. Since all authors must do their own promoting anyway, why not self-publish and earn a 40-400% margin? If your book becomes a hit, publishers will come calling. This will give you the upper hand in negotiations.

4. Sole Owner. As a self-publisher, you own all rights to your book. A traditional publisher owns the rights. If they lose interest in your book, you cannot print additional copies unless you purchase those rights back.

5. Filling a Niche. Traditional Publishers may not take interest in your book, especially if it deals with a very specific topic. They may feel the demand is not great enough to warrant a large press run. Your book may fill a niche that has not been met, and you can test the waters with short run printing. If you are an expert in the field, who better to publish and sell?

6. Local Advantage. Books about local or regional topics are generally produced by local authors in short run quantities. Large publishers will decline publishing these books because of their limited sales potential.

7. Be In Print. Making money is not the only reason to publish. Sharing what you have learned or leaving a legacy to your family are other admirable motives.

If you are considering whether or not self-publishing is for you, I have put together manual to help make the entire process go a lot smoother. It's called 'The Self-Publishing Blueprint: the easy way to publish, promote and sell your own book.' Read more about it and purchase your copy here.

Until next time,

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