- You are not friendly. People tend to flock to those that they can relate to. If you come across as a snob, people can pick up on that and won't want to support you or your efforts. Check your attitude. It could be the reason your books are still lying dormant on the shelves or online.
- You are too shy. You can't expect people to know that you have published a book if you are hugging the wall or afraid to interact with people during events and book signings. You have to be willing to be a people person, which means at times being a talker and not being afraid to go after the sale.
- You don't do any type of promotion. What good is it to write a good book and make an investment in getting it published if you are not going to get out and do anything to let people know you have a book out in the first place? Promotion does not have to cost you any money. There are everyday things you can do to help spread the word about your book. Some authors put fliers in their bills as they mail them off for payment. Others create a buzz online with Facebook pages and Twitter Tweets. There are ways that you can promote your book for free or for a very low cost, which I will discuss on a later blog.
Until next time,
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