By L. Cross
With more than 1 million new books published each year, every book needs help to find its market. Part of your job as an author is to market and promote your book.
Book marketing involves:
* Defining your reader
What does your book offer readers? What distinguishes your book from others on the topic? Who would read your book?
* Reaching your potential reader
Where are your potential readers? What magazines and newspapers do they read, where do they shop, which blogs do they visit, what television programs do they watch, which radio programs and podcasts do they listen to, and what social media sites do they frequent?
* Developing a strategy to convince your potential readership to buy your book
The three main components of book marketing are advertising, promotions, and publicity. Advertising is expensive and not particularly effective for selling books. Promotions - such as discounts, promotional materials (postcards, bookmarks, etc.), and co-op funds offered to booksellers - are provided by your publisher if your book is traditionally published. If you are self-published, promotions are not essential for your marketing plan. Publicity is the most effective and least expensive form of book marketing.
Publicity - obtaining media coverage for your book - is like free advertising. It adds legitimacy by way of a third-party endorsing your book. Garnering the right media coverage can have a valuable impact on book sales. Here are seven ways to begin to effectively plan publicity for your book:
1. Stay aware of current events to determine how your topic may be relevant and think of ways to pitch print, television, radio, and online media
2. Watch talk shows and news programs to determine how your book may appeal to a show's producer
3. Research publications and newspapers you can approach to author articles or a column
4. Listen to radio programs (online and offline) and podcasts - to learn which hosts or shows may be interested in your subject or expertise
5. Locate blogs that are synergistic with your topic and begin to comment on posts and create a relationship with the blogger
6. Join LinkedIn, FaceBook, and Twitter groups that your potentials readers follow and begin to participate in the discussion and offer advice based on your expertise and subject matter
7. Make a list of print media that may be interested in excerpts (such as Top 10 lists or questionnaires) from your book
1. Develop your book publicity strategy
2. Select one item from your plan and implement it this week!
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Laura Cross is a business strategist, author, and professional ghostwriter. She provides business, publishing, and platform strategies to help entrepreneurs get known as the go-to experts in their field, become published authors, attract high-paying clients, garner major media, and earn more money with less effort by packaging their expertise. Grab a copy of the Free Audio CD "How to Establish Your Expertise, Become a Published Author, and Leverage Your Knowledge for More Profits, More Prospects, and Major Media" at
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