Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Have A Young Reader? Consider This Book From Six Year Old Aaliyah Gates

Aaliyah Gates has written her first book, and has a second book set to be released in January 2014. The unique thing about this author is that she is only six years old. Aaliyah is from Flint, Michigan, a city known for violence. Her goal is to shine a positive light on her city and show other kids that they too can accomplish any goal if they put their mind to it. The six year old author loves gymnastics, writing, singing and ballet and has plans to put out a music collection for children in the Spring of 2014. This is my baby girl and I as a mother couldn't be more proud of her. Encourage the dreams of your children. Teach them to DREAM BIG. Until next time,
P.S. You can order Aaliyah's book, 'I Like To Read' on Amazon:

Happy New Year From The Self-Published Life

As the old year draws to a close, it's time to think about the new year. Our new beginning. We get a brand new year to start fresh. I pray that you will accomplish all the things you set out to this year. Don't allow the setbacks from last year to follow you into this new year. Let the past go. All that stuff is behind you for a reason. Leave it there. Many blessings,

Monday, December 30, 2013

How Landing Pages Can Help You Sell More Books

Authors very rarely think of their books as products. I believe that if they did, they would understand the importance of doing the things businesses do in order to sell their products. A very powerful tool that can be used to help authors sell more books is a landing page.

What are landing pages? 

A landing page, or 'lead capture page' is simply a page that requests at least the name and email address of someone who would like to gain access to premium or exclusive information. Landing pages are used by Internet marketers to sell affiliate products. The goal of these pages is to collect leads and nurture them through emails to convert them into sales.They usually promise to offer something in exchange for the information given by the page visitor, such as a free report, or an ecourse or something of that nature. These leads become subscribers that you can build a relationship with, as well as to promote other products and services that you offer. Landing pages are ultimately used to build email subscriber lists.

Landing pages can be a page hosted on your website or blog, or it can be a standalone link like this one that takes people to your landing page once it is clicked.

Authors can benefit from using landing pages if they know how to use them properly.

How authors can use landing pages to sell more books

An author can actually use a landing page to collect the names and email addresses of their subscribers in exchange for free ebooks, exclusive chapters released only to their mailing lists, and more. You can use a video to introduce your special offer and encourage site visitors to sign up to receive it. Your readers will be thrilled to know that just by giving you their name and email address, they can get some special 'goodies' from their favorite author.

An easy and affordable way to create landing pages is with a program called Landing Page Templates. For a low monthly fee, you gain access to over 300 templates that can be used to build attractive landing pages that make people want to enter their information and ultimately, join your list.

You want to make sure that your landing page requires the bare minimums of a name and email address, but, you can get as personal as you like; but keep in mind that most people will be more apt to opt-in to your email list via your landing page if you don't require much information in order for them to join. Some people ask for name, email address, phone and physical mailing address if there is a print component to their list as well. Use your discretion here.

Ready to build your email list with landing pages? Click Here! 

Until next time,

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Publish Your Book Online Free With Createspace

Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers I am often approached by authors wanting to publish books but lack the finances they need to publish a quality book. To those authors, I recommend using Amazon's Createspace as a platform to publishing their books. Createspace offers free tools to helo aspiring authors to see their works in print. Get Published: Take your book from manuscript to the masses with self-publishing and print-on-demand from CreateSpace. Until next time,

Get A Small Business Phone With RingCentral

USA RingCentral Office - Voice, Fax, Text and Conferencing. Your phone system in the cloud. Many times, we as authors don't understand that we need to get a small business phone in order to look like a professional publishing company. Using your cell phone to do business can have its downsides. Companies such as Ring Central make it easy for entrepreneurs to come across as an established business. I learned this the hard way. With cellphones, there is almost always the chance of losing your signal and dropping the call. Imagine being on the line with someone you have been trying to catch up to for weeks. You finally get them on the line, only to have the call drop just as you were in the middle of discussing some very intimate details about a big project that could have changed your financial future forever. (Which is exactly what happened to me.) Having a small business phone not only makes you look like a legitimate business, but it can also help you save on your cell phone bill. In fact, having a phone line just for business allows you to separate your home life from your business life. RingCentral is a VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) company, which means you can use a standard phone with your existing internet provider to make calls. VOIP phone service is also known as digital phone service. Get your own Toll Free Number with voicemail for as low as $8.29 per month The great thing about RingCentral is that offer a bit more than the average digital or VOIP phone company. They offer Voice, Fax, Text and Conferencing through what is called 'the cloud', which is the internet or a network of servers. This often makes for crystal clear calling. Unlike other companies, getting started with RingCentral is fairly easy for three reasons: *Instant Activation *Easy Setup *No Hardware Required Take your business anywhere with RingCentral Professional. Try it Free So, if you are ready to step up your game and finally start to look like the successful publishing company you know you can, consider investing in RingCentral phone service. Until next time,

Friday, December 6, 2013

Here Is The Easy Way To Promote Your Blog

OnlyWire - Publish everywhereAs authors, an important aspect of book promotion is blog promotion. If you are not blogging, you are missing out on an easy way to find and connect with your visitors.

Onlywire is an easy option you can use to promote your blog. It allows blog authors to publish their blog posts to over 40 sites with just a push of the button.

Social Media Starts Here - Publish to 40+ social networks with a single click.

If you are looking for a way to increase your book sales, you need to start a blog and take it seriously. You also need to promote your blog in order to educate people about your book.

So, how can you use a blog to promote your book?

  •  You can blog about the topics in your book.
  • You can blog about the characters.
  • A cool thing I have seen some authors doing is creating a blog based on their books in general and using that blog to encompass readers into "their" world.
Some authors believe that they don't have the time to blog, but in reality, they do.

It's all about making the time to do so.

Blog promotion, like any other promotion, requires adhering to a schedule.

You have to set aside time to blog and make sure that you stick to that time.

I have learned that blogging everyday, 2-3 times a day results in traffic to your site.

More traffic equals more eyeballs that will see the stuff that you have.

More eyeballs means that more people will learn about your book, or whatever the topic of your blog may be.

Now, if you want to sell more books, get to blogging.

Once you get your blog up and running, OnlyWire can help you to promote it.

Promote Your Blog - It's easy! Sign-up for Free and post to 45+ social media sites

Well, what are you waiting for?

Get your blog set up and they head over to OnlyWire and create an account.

In minutes you could be well on your way to have your blog promoted to over 40 social media sites, which means huge interaction and engagement for you.

Until next time,

P.S. Did you like this post? How would you like to get exclusive content like this delivered to your email inbox? Click here to join my FREE VIP List! VIP listers get lots of goodies and tons of FREE content. Stake your claim and partner up with me today!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December Author Showcase: Paige Adams Strickland

This month's author showcase features the author of 'Akin to the Truth: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity, Paige Adams Strickland.

Akin to the Truth: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity
Written by Paige Adams Strickland
Edited by Wendy Hart Beckman

My Bio:
Paige Adams Strickland is an educator and writer from Cincinnati, Ohio. She is married with two daughters. In her free time she teaches Zumba Fitness (™) classes, enjoys gardening, her pets, reading and spending time with family and friends. Her work has been recognized by soniamarsh.com, awordwithyoupress.com, scinti.com and adoption voices.com. You can connect with Paige at her blog: https://akintothetruth.squarespace.com/about or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/23plas and Twitter: https://twitter.com/plastrickland23


Chapter 1
When I asked my parents the classic question, “Where did I come 

from?” Mom and Dad began by telling me that I came from God.

 I found that piece of information very confusing because the first 

picture they have of me was of a dark-haired woman holding me

with her back turned. My baby face peers over her shoulder. Bare

trees and a sky-blue Volkswagen with Ohio license plates can be

seen in the background. For a long time I wondered if God was a

brown-haired lady from Ohio who drove a classic Beetle.

    I hated how the story was so nondescript and lacking in

information. It wasn’t exciting and filled with humor and

tenderness like scenes on television. Everybody else had

pictures of sleeping babies in mothers’ arms, related stories of

all the visitors who came, and told the dramatic stories of how

their dad frantically loaded the car, backed out of the driveway

and knocked over the trash cans as he sped off in a blizzard

during rush hour to deliver Mom to the hospital while she sat

beside him panting and yelling, “Honey, hurry faster! The baby’s

coming now!” I didn’t have a father who nervously paced around

in the waiting room, wearing a tread into the flooring with his

big feet or a five-o’clock shadow across his weary face. No

doctor in scrubs came out after many hours to shake his hand and

say, “Congratulations, Mr. Adams, you have a daughter.”

No one threw a party to shower my mom with receiving blankets

and tiny booties while she sat in a chair with a cup of tea, a

bulging belly and a romantic glow on her face, either.

    Instead, I was born prematurely in both time and weight and had

to spend about a month in the hospital until I grew and gained

enough to be released to foster care. Then my parents came along

in 1962 and adopted me from Hamilton County Welfare when I was

13 months old. Their social worker informed them very little

about my start in life, only that the birth mother was a minor,

and she couldn’t keep me.

    They noticed that I had some sort of “lazy eye” condition. My

adoptive grandmother was quite concerned that my feet were

pigeon-toed, so she and my mother took me to doctors in downtown

Cincinnati for examinations. Both specialists told my family

that everything was just fine, and that eventually I would grow

out of these perceived deformities between my eyes and my feet.

I just needed extra time. That gap between my birth and the 13

months it took to have me placed in a home setting set me back,

and the welfare agency told my parents that I might lag behind

in my development. It was HCW’s version of “Buyer beware”. When

I was eventually adopted, I didn’t walk or crawl. I could sit up

but not yet walk. I used a bottle, but I could not feed myself

finger food. I rolled around and cried, “Waa,” but I couldn’t do

much else. I was a blob, even at slightly over one year, until

people began to spend enough time with me and allow me freedom

to explore scattered toys, books, messy cookies, hallways and

the gooey jowls of our family dog, like a sensorimotor-staged

baby needs to do.

     My first actual memory is sitting in the side yard of our

house throwing a bunch of leaves in the air at some lady. I can

still recall the clear autumn sky and the crunchy mounds of

just-raked leaves of rust red, dusty orange and brown, spiraling

in the air as they landed around us. Maybe the lady was my mom

who raised me. I wish I could know for certain that my first

memory is of my mom.

     I don’t remember John F. Kennedy being shot, but I do

know that when it happened in November of 1963, Mom and Dad were

in the process of packing up the house and moving to a new place

over that somber weekend. We were staying in the same town, but

it would be a larger home on a street with a lot of young kids

and sidewalks for bike riding and walking to school. My parents

were among the few in the nation, it seemed, who were not JFK

fans. Mom and Dad had their own agendas and were more focused on

packing boxes, loading cars, making runs to the new house and

meeting deadlines. Their priorities at the time were primarily

on my father’s emerging career in management with the phone

company, and setting up house. They were constantly going,

growing, changing and making improvements to their lives, such

as adopting a child, moving to a better place and buying nicer

cars. They were go-getters and never stayed satisfied for very


     I spent a great deal of time with my Grandma Frances, my

mom’s mother. She lived in walking distance, so we spent many

days and nights together. Grandma Frances, who had an incredible

sweet tooth, was also the provider of endless sugary and starchy

treats like big cookies with icing, hard rolls, sweet rolls,

chocolate pudding and her homemade sodas with vanilla ice cream,

Hershey’s syrup and 7 Up. When she made them at her house, they

were the best because she even had long spoons with handles that

were actually straws. In all the sugar we consumed, not a soul

in our family ever turned up diabetic. No one cared about

carbohydrates or fat either. We simply ate and enjoyed.

When I was small, I was obsessed with The Wizard of Oz. I spent

hours pretending to be Dorothy, roaming my block with a stuffed

dog and a basket. I re-enacted scenes from the movie so much

that my nursery school teachers were baffled by my need to live

in an imaginary world and by my extreme creativity. The movie

scene in which Dorothy stands at the gate of her farm, while the

wind howls was mesmerizing as I watched the incredibly reallooking twister spin

closer in the background. It was amazing and terrifying.

     There were two major problems when I was little. One was

being short. I had a very intense complex about this condition.

I hated the word and anything synonymous with it. For whatever

reason, to me, short or little equaled inadequate, and I dreaded

being unworthy. I was a small child in a world full of important

adults, who ruled everything. Adults in charge of me held the

secrets to the universe. They knew all the answers to

information I wanted to know, like where I really came from. I

surmised that if I could be physically bigger, I would have the

authority to know more about myself and anything else I wanted

to learn, but little people like me were stupid and couldn’t

handle it. From cookie jars to closed legal records, everything

was out of my reach.

    My other shortcoming to contend with at the time was my first

name, Paige. I absolutely hated it. It was different. My parents

picked my name because my Aunt Nora, (my dad’s sister), had

heard it somewhere, and she liked it. Aunt Nora did not have

children of her own. I don’t know if my parents were trying to

include her or felt sorry for her or what, but because of her

idea, they decided not to go with the name Cindy, and my name

became Paige.

     I withstood endless days of teasing on school

playgrounds. I hated all the jokes and silly remarks about my

first name, and I wished I’d been given a normal name like Julie

or Mary. I’d become angry and yell or cry, and that intensified

the taunting of the other children. Having a temper did not do

me any favors.

     Unknowing people misspelled my name. I was sick and tired

of going through it with anyone who couldn’t treat my name

normally. No one else had confusion about his or her moniker. My

name was the only identity I did have, and it pissed me off when

someone got it wrong. I was ready to scream and punch out the

next person who said, “Oh...like page in a book.” When I was

small, I couldn’t tell the difference between honest mistakes or

if this was another way for people torture me for having an odd

name. Once, when we had to write business letters in third

grade, I received a reply to mine addressed to Mr. Paige Adams.

The stupidity and thoughtlessness of people would never end,

even with adults!

     I hated being different. Around school, peers would

crucify and senselessly hate you for being different. All I

wanted was to blend in with people. Instead, I saw myself as a

feisty, short person with a weird name, who had an odd start in

life and a bad haircut to boot. My goal was to cruise along,

unnoticed, and be treated the same as everybody else. However,

that wasn’t easy for a little person with an uncommon name, and

ugly, crooked pixie bangs, who often felt left out when

childhood friends discussed how do babies get born.

Akin to the Truth: A Memoir of Adoption and Identity can be purchased at http://www.amazon.com/Akin-Truth-Adoption-Identity-ebook/dp/B00F28TM86/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1379415601&sr=1-1&keywords=akin+to+the+truth as a print and Kindle book and also at the Apple iTunes Store

Until next time,

To have your book showcased on this blog, click here.

Amazon's Createspace Offers Free Publishing Services

Authors, Share Your Book with Millions of Readers
 If you are looking for free publishing services online, then Amazon's Createspace may be the best alternative for you.

 Amazon's Createspace offers a free publishing platform that allows authors to publish their own books online at no cost. The service allows for authors to sell books on amazon through the amazon.com site, and through Kindle bookstore if the author chooses to also have their book published as an ebook.

 Many new authors seek to publish their own books but lack the funds to get started. With the free publishing tools offered through Createspace, new authors can test the waters with their books and build up their following, thus raising much needed to launch their own publishing company.

 With Createspace, you can get access to FREE book publishing tools, resources, and a growing online community of authors. Learn how. The free publishing services Createspace offers allows for an author to produce a professional quality book without all of the costly overhead or the need to carry inventory. The author is only required to purchase a proof copy of their book to approve before the print book can be sold online.

 Once you have learned how to sell your book, and who your target audience is, then you can graduate to your own publishing company. Here is where you will foot the entire bill for bringing your books to print.

 Becoming your own publishing company and building your name and brand is hard work, yet it is fun work. You will be joining the ranks of some of the most powerful publishing houses in the world, like Simon and Schuster and Random House.

You can use the information you learned bu utilizing the free publishing services offered by Amazon through their Createspace program as a stepping stone to building your own publishing company. In order to make the transition from being published through an author services firm to being your own publisher, you have to learn the tools of the trade. In my ebook, 'The Self-Publishing Blueprint', I show you all the steps you need to take to ensure that you not only produce a professional quality book, but, that you also keep all the rights to your book.

 If you don't understand how to publish your book correctly, you could very well just hand your book over to someone; along with all of the rights to it. As I often tell my students and clients, in indie publishing, you have to foot the entire bill for bringing your book to print. And not only that, you are also responsible for all of the marketing, promotion and publicity for your book as well as the books of the authors you will eventually sign to your company.

 I would suggest however that even though you are working with Createspace, you should still consider purchasing your own ISBN number. This number is unique to your book and lists you as the publisher of your work. It costs $125 to purchase your own ISBN number. If you just don't have it, you can use the number assigned by Creatspace; however, when you do decide that it's time to become your own publishing house, then you will have to purchase an ISBN anyway because more than likely your book will have to have extensive changes done to it, making it a new edition of the book, like adding a completely new cover. 

Long story short, the free publishing program offered by Amazon's Createspace is indeed an affordable way for new aspiring authors to break into the marketplace and learn the field before shelling out the big bucks to start their own company. So, what are you waiting for? If you are an aspiring author, here is your opportunity. Get Published: Take your book from manuscript to the masses with self-publishing and print-on-demand from CreateSpace.

 Until next time,

Monday, November 25, 2013

How To Publish Books That Get Read

How would it feel to publish books that actually get read? You know, as an author, the greatest feeling comes with knowing that readers are actually buying our books. But, we don't want our books to simply be purchased, we want them to actually be opened up and read.

So, how do you manage to publish books that people actually want to crack open and read, page for page?

Well, the first thing you have to do is make sure you have an interesting and catchy title. Sometimes the title alone can be the hook, line, and sinker our books need to make the reader antsy to devour our stories.

Next, make sure that you have a hot cover. I can't stress enough how a boring cover can kill you book. Check out this post to find out how a book cover can either make or break your relationship with your readers.

The storyline has to also be juicy, so much so that it will make your reader get started on the book before they can even make it out of the store. Make your readers feel like your book is required reading.

You want to publish books that will leave a lasting impression on your readers as well; a good one that is. Like it or not, your book is going to be remembered; either for how good it was, or for despicably horrible it was. You get to choose how you want to be viewed.

Last but not least, be sure that the words between the cover are both interesting and intriguing. No one wants to fall in love with a book's title, cover and storyline, only to discover that the actual book is a piece of crap.

Take it from me, if you publish books that look amateurish, you will be viewed as an amateur, and people won't want to take a chance on any more of your books!

I often share my story of how I got started in publishing in the workshops and classes that I teach. My first experience with self-publishing was an expensive nightmare, and it cost me book sales and future support from past readers. You can read about my experience here.

So, how do you publish books that get read? Simple. Follow these rules:
  1. Have a catchy title.
  2. Create a hot, eye-catching cover
  3. Make sure the storyline is great.
  4. Most importantly, be sure your story is engaging.
Well, that's it for now. If you like the tips and advice I give to self-published authors, then you need to consider joining the AUTHORity mailing list that includes tips and strategies to help you succeed at self-publishing. You can sign up here.

I also have a group over on Facebook that you may want to be a part of. Click here to become a member.

Until next time,

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Let Pictures Tell Your Story

I think I post quite a bit about book cover design. Often times, we as authors may have a vision for our cover, but don't really know how to get people to understand what our book is about. Stock photography is a gem when it comes to creating compelling book covers that sell books.

The best way to have a great cover is to have great pictures. Generally, a good book cover is made up of eye catching photos. Those photos are actual photographs taken either by amateurs or professional photographers that are sold as stock photography. You can pick from thousands upon thousands of photographs to find the right one that matches what's going on in your book.

Stock ImagesThere are various sites to find great photos to use in your book cover design endeavors. When choosing photos, you first want to think about the book that you have written. What is going on in your book? What is the story you want to tell with your book cover?

When I design ebook covers for myself and my clients, I like to choose photos of people by themselves. They make blending photos together easier because you don't have a bunch of extra stuff happening in your photo.

You also want to think about your audience.
Who is going to be reading your book? Choose photos that not only reflect the story being told in your book, but also, reflect the age group of the people who will be reading your book.

I would like to invite you to check out Deposit Photos for your stock photography needs.
15% off to buy credits. Promo code DC0051053

Until next time,

Monday, November 18, 2013

Meet The Wedding Planner Of The Self-Publishing Industry.

When you plan to self-publish a book, you probably have a gazillion questions?

The first, and most important one, is probably this: where do I start?

Or, how can I publish a book without going broke?

Either way, you are in the right place.

You ever watched a wedding planner at work?

You know how she plans every aspect of the wedding down to the very last detail.

That's the kind of support you're going to find here in the coming months.

In case you have never heard of me, my name is Dr. Sandra Peoples, and for the past decade I have been helping hundreds of authors to successfully self-publish their own books.

And now, I would like to add you to me roster.

  • Do you plan to publish your book in the New Year?
  • Are you tired of falling for all the hype and lies from people who are only out to get your money and not really wanting to help you publish a book?

If either of these describe you, then I think it's time we talked.

I have a few spots opening up here in the coming weeks and if you are truly serious about building a brand and a career as a writer and author, then I would love to work with you.
I am very selective about the people I work with because with every project I put out there, my name and reputation are on the line. I help authors with every last detail of bringing their projects to print, from making sure their book is edited and proofread, to finding a great cover designer, to securing distribution. I take the load and the stress off of my authors and they thank me for it.

So, if you are ready to add 'Author' to your resume`, shoot me an email to coachsand@gmail.com and we can get started from there.

If you haven't already, Join the AUTHORity mailing list.   This is the place you want to be in order to stay on top of things happening in the self-publishing realm, as well as some creative and inexpensive ways to promote your book.

I'm excited. There are lots of new things coming your way.

Stay tuned,

Friday, November 15, 2013

Writing Books Hardly Pays The Bills And Here Is Why

If you want to be broke, write a book.
If you want to struggle as an author, you are not alone. In fact, of all the thousands of authors who choose to self-publish their books, most of them never recoup their investments.
Even in ebook publishing, which you can do yourself, still can spell zero sales for the struggling author.
It is a very sad, but very true fact that most authors never make enough money from writing books to pay their bills.
In fact, most ebook authors sell on average 2 books a month.
So what does the struggling author do?
If you are like me, you will learn quickly that you have to explore other avenues. Click here to see how other writers are making six figure incomes from the comfort of their own homes.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

How A Book Cover Can Doom A Relationship

Relationships are a lot like books. If you find a great one, you will cherish it forever.
So what would cause a reader to hate a book?
There are quite a few reasons, but there is one in particular that truly stands out.
The cover design was horrible. Did you know that people honestly do judge a book by its cover; and if yours sucks, your book will remain on the shelf, or in some database, wasting away.
Even though the storyline may be great, the cover has to sell the book to the reader.
If the book cover does not make the reader want to to pick the book up and read it, or download it, you may want to consider redoing it.
Now, if you have a traditional publisher, or went with a company to publish your book for you, you may not have this option.
But, if you followed all of the steps to self-publishing, you will have the option to change your book cover.
If you wonder why your book is not selling, you may want to start with re-evaluating the cover.
I peruse the virtual book aisles of Amazon on a daily basis, and I often come across books with nice titles, but crappy covers.
I would not buy a book that has a plain green background and a few words on it.
For one, I can't even get a visual of what the book might be about, and two, it looks like the author didn't even care enough about their work to either invest in a cover or make one themselves.
So, if you at least want to get your potential reader to give your book a wink, make sure the cover entices them. Same for ebooks.
Your cover must call-out to reader, and beg them to download it.
If you are an ebook publisher, and you are looking for a way to make ebook covers that will beg your readers to download your books, click here to see the software that will make readers drool.
See you next time,

Does A Cheating Lover Automatically Mean Death To A Relationship?

I have never liked people who cheat. I just don't think it's fair at all. So when I find myself involved with one, of course, I wanted to take revenge into my own hands. But then I thought long and hard and realized that my trying to get revenge on someone would not be a good thing; for either one of us. You see, it started in 2010, a few months after my divorce was finalized. I met a guy I used to date in middle school, online. It started out as a really innocent thing, then quickly turned into something else. I fell in love, or lust, or something. I was very blind to the fact that this guy was playing me like a Nintendo game. Long story short, in the end, there were two women; myself and the mother of his kids, whom he happened to still be dating the six months he was dating me. Talk about being a cheat. So what causes people to cheat? Why do some people find it so hard to be faithful? And why do people use the word 'LOVE' so loosely? A cheating lover kind of makes a person want to give up on love. Wouldn't you rather just be by yourself than be constantly hurt by the hands of another? People deal with being cheated on in different ways. It often results in acts of violence that end with undesirable results, such as those in the video listed above. Click here to see how woman nearly lost her life when she cheated on her husband. Cheating hurts families. It causes relationships to fall apart. Trust goes out the door. It is the very reason why so many marriages end every year. Why so many people find themselves single, year after year. Here's my advice to you cheating spouses and you lovers of all things cheating: stop it! Choose one person to be with and stick with them. If you feel that the love is gone, it's better to walk away from the relationship, rather than lead them on and drag a third person into the equation. Until next time,

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Need To Sell More Books? Start A Blog.

Many authors fail to understand why they need to start a blog. Blogging is in fact one of the most beneficial things you can do in order to gain exposure for your books. But the key to success is not to to just stick up a blog and forget about it. Consistency is what will brings massive results. There are few things for you to take into consideration when deciding to start a blog. First of all, you have to decide what topic you want to talk about in your blog. Do you want to focus on the topics and themes in your book? Do you want to talk about relationships? Do you want your blog to teach something? It is up to you. But if you are going to start a blog, you have to keep it updated. You should plan on blogging a minimum of 3 days a week, twice a day. The more you post to your blog, the more it will rank in the search engines. The more you rank in the search engines, the easier it will be for people to find what you have written about. You can start out on a free platform, such as this one, just to get yourself used to posting. It takes practice. It also takes discipline because sometimes you will not want to sit down and write. You want to make your posts informative, educational and even entertaining. You want to give your visitors a reason to come to your site and why they should stick around once they do visit. If at all possible, you should try to make your posts at least 350 to 500 words. So, if you want to sell more books, dust off that blog, or, get one set up and get to writing. Make sure that you mention your book or books in the title of your posts, and in the first paragraph of your posts if the title of your blog has nothing to do with your book.
 Until next time,

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Love Lifetime Movie Network? Then Brad's Girl Is Just The Book For You.

I LOVE LMN, the Lifetime Movie Network. There is always a good, drama filled movie on there, right. 24/7. Well, the book I am about to recommend to you, seems like it was ripped right from the storyline of a Lifetime movie. It's called "Brad's Girl," by Shay Collins.

Brad's Girl touches on the very sensitive subject of teen dating abuse, which happens to be a growing epidemic. More and more young girls are reporting that they have been abused by the boys that they are dating; some as young as sixth grade!

The short story by young adult fiction author Shay Collins is the story of Jennifer Duncan, a senior in high school who falls head over heels in love with a high school jock, Bradley Jennings, or 'Brad' for short. What starts as an innocent study date quickly escalates into a high school romance. But little does Jennifer know, she is not the only woman in Brad's life. Bradley is still very much in love with his ex-girlfriend.

Jennifer soon discovers that she is nothing more than a ploy to get back at Brad's ex and make her jealous.

Unfortunately, she may have uncovered the secret a little too late.

If you would like to read more about the story of Brad and Jennifer, you can do so here.

Until next time,

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Ramp up your social media marketing with OnlyWire.

Publish Everywhere
OnlyWire is a social media engine that automatically submits your content and status posts to social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and more, with the click of a mouse.

Bloggers, Content Providers and SEO Professionals are among the multitude of users who find this service beneficial in submitting millions of posts each and every day.

Social Media pros use OnlyWire to launch, update and analyze social media campaigns.

Promote Your Blog - It's easy! Sign-up for Free and post to 45+ social media sites

Some of the benefits of using this service include:

  • The ability to schedule posts, which makes the process of finding new audiences and followers that much more easier.
  • Real-time engagement with your friends and followers, allowing you to build trust with the members of your network.
  • A mobile optimized layout so that you can access your account on the go. Submit your posts, view your history and manage your account settings from your smartphone,iPad or tablet.
  • Safe, secure and private industry leading protection management systems to ensure that your passwords remain safe.
OnlyWire is trusted by some of the most respected companies in the world, such as Dell, Cisco, Rakuten, Time Warner Cable, and GE (General Electric).

Promote Your Blog - It's easy! Sign-up for Free and post to 45+ social media sites

 If you want to use OnlyWire to manage your social media campaigns, you can get started at one of . three levels.

For the bloggers and individuals who submit content and market occasionally, there is the Lite plan.
The Pro plan is for users with a higher volume of use and manages multiple networks or feeds, an there is the Enterprise plan for agencies and organizations managing the content of multiple clients and feeds.

In addition to the three plans, there is also a one week free trial.

So, if you want to promote your blog and instantly post to over 45 social media sites, then OnlyWire

Take a look at why I became a member of ViralURL...

If you are an affiliate marketer, you have probably heard about the importance of link cloaking in order to protect your commissions. Using the regular code provided by the program you are promoting could be stolen by someone else, and they could end up reaping the rewards for your hard work.
Take a look at why I became a member of ViralURL...

Monday, November 4, 2013

Foolish By Sandra Peoples Shows Consequences of Having A Cheating Lover

No one wants to be involved with a cheating lover. We all would like to hope that one we get involved with will be faithful and true to only us. But, that is not always the case.

Foolish is the gripping tale of Sharee` Haskins and her husband Jeremy, a young and wealthy power couple who dominate the publishing industry.

They have what most people would consider to be the perfect life. Fame, riches, beauty and prestige are among the most coveted possessions in the world; and the Haskins couple possess all of the above and then some.

The downside of this seemingly perfect black romance is the fact that Sharee` Haskins becomes what she once despised: a cheating lover.

Unfortunately, Jeremy is unaware of the signs of cheating, and does not recognize that the strong bond he and his wife one shared, in now tainted and cracking at the roots.

Especially since Sharee` has begun an elicit and torrid affair with her former boyfriend and convicted ex-felon, Damion Fuller. When Damion enters the scene, 'Foolish' really starts to heat up.

Not your typical urban fiction novel, the book does pay homage to the poor neighborhoods and unfortunate circumstances which set the backdrop for the current lifestyle of the Jeremy and Sharee` Haskins.

Foolish is available as a romance ebook at all major online retailers. A new paperback version is being made available for print retailers.

If you are looking for a black romance with a good mix of urban fiction and the juiciness of unraveling a cheating lover, download your copy of Foolish by Sandra Peoples today.

Three Ways To Succeed At Self-Publishing

Self-Publishing can be a pain in the butt.

You not only have to write a good book, but now you have to promote it, get people to buy it, ship copies to the readers, etc, etc.

The faint at heart will be ready to give up and throw in the towel at the drop of a hat.

Making the decision to self-publish can be scary.

There is always some level of uncertainty.

You wonder if people will really like your book, or will people like it enough to turn your words into a best seller.

There are three ways that you as an author can succeed at self-publishing, and they are as follows:

Know your audience from the beginning. Who did you write your book for? Knowing the answer to this question will save you a ton of heartache and pain in the end.

Write a good story. You would be surprised at the number of people who will write a boatload of crap and then get upset when they sadly discover that either no one wants to read it, or the story sucked all together.

Be prepared to face rejection. The reality of this business is that if you want to succeed, you have to have a tough skin. There are going to be some people who are going to tell you no. They don't want your book, they don't want to sell it in their stores, and so on and so forth. The reality is that you have to take it with a grain of salt and keep pushing on until you get to a yes.

So, if your dream is to succeed at self-publishing, develop your tough skin, learn to handle rejection and get to know your audience. Doing so will make your dream of becoming a best-selling, self-published author, that much more attainable.

Do you have a book that you would like to self-publish? Consider purchasing 'The Blueprint' , a user friendly guide which breaks down the entire process of self-publishing from start to finish. This manual was put together out of a need to educate people on the right way to get started in the publishing industry and avoid many of the pitfalls I endured when I published my first book.

You can learn more and download your own copy here.

Thinking About Self-Publishing? Consider These Publishing Services.

When considering a self-publishing services partner, look no further than Dr. Sandra Peoples.

A resident of Michigan, Dr. Peoples offers one on one assistance to aspiring authors looking to break into the into the self-publishing industry, but also assists authors and entrepreneurs with marketing their books, products and services online.

Celebrating 10 years of service to aspiring authors in August of 2014, Sandra Peoples is the one to choose for professional publishing services.

Some of the services Ms.Peoples provides includes:
  • Professional cover design
  • Book editing
  • Proofreading
  • Online and offline book distribution
  • Book design and layout
  • Typesetting
  • Promotion and branding
  • Ebook publishing services
Based in Michigan, Dr. Peoples is available to assist clients virtually all across the globe. Since 2004, Sandra has worked with clients from as near as her home town, to as far away as Africa.

To get started on your publishing project, you can email Ms. Peoples directly at coachsand@gmail.com. Be sure to include "Publishing Services" in the subject line.

Compliance Manager Lorie Hardy Pens Book About Learning From Troubling Relationships

Author Lorie Hardy
Author Lorie Hardy
This month's spotlight focuses on Lorie Hardy, a compliance manager, who has written and published the book, "There are no good men, because there are no good women", in an effort to educate others about learning from troubling relationships.


Author Lorie Hardy's Book Cover
Lorie Hardy, is CEO/Founder of Empowerment4life.com, an organization focusing on the four main aspects of life; finance, health, employment and love, with an emphasis on love. Blessed with a genuine love for humanity, a positive outlook on life, she believes there is someone for each of us and desires to see everyone in happy and healthy relationships. 

Lorie works as a Compliance Manager for the County, but has a passion for writing.  She is the mother of three beautiful children, Amanda, Shannon, and Houston who were partially responsible for the completion of her first published book “There Are No Good Men, Because There Are No Good Women”.  Her goal was to take what she’d learned through her troubling relationship experiences and share it with them to ensure that they would be better equipped to understand and to deal with the complexities of similar problems that might arise in their futures.

During her life journey, Lorie experienced things that would cause her to question God, "Why am I going through all of this grief?"  She was a good person and didn't think she deserved being treated in such an extremely undesirable way.  We always think we know what is best for us. I had to learn that God was in control and knew what was best for me and mainly to seek Him before we make decisions.

Without pointing the finger at anyone else, she learned from a previous involvement, that you can’t always put the entire blame on the other person when your relationship isn’t working.  “Even if you’re not causing the friction, you are equally as responsible if you’re not holding the other person accountable for the friction they’re causing.” It took 17 years for Lorie to understand and acquire the knowledge to pen her first book.

Once out of the storm, she realized that what she had experienced, wasn’t just for her personal growth and benefit.  She had a testimony and a duty to share her story to empower every woman she encountered.  She slowly began the task of writing her book, but it wasn't until random women, strangers with similar plights, began to share their personal stories with her that she really became driven to complete her book.

Listening to the women, she began to realize that at some point in time, women had lost their self-esteem, their self-worth, and their power.  “We as women have so much power, but we have relinquished it just to say that we have a man or simply because we don't wish to be alone.”

 “There Are No Good Men, Because There Are No Good Women” is geared toward single women, single men and married couples who desire to be in healthy, successful, and loving relationships.

Lorie is currently a Board of Director for Praying Single Mothers and is a weekly co-host on the “Straight Talk” show broadcasting on starplanettv.com.  She will soon begin broadcasting her own show entitled, Empowerment for Life, which focuses on those same aspects of life.

Lorie also is currently working on her second book and a play that will coincide with her first book. Lorie can be booked for speaking engagements through her website, www.empowerment4life.com, @empowermnt4life, lhardy@empowerment4life.com, or facebook.com/empowerment4life