Friday, January 31, 2014

Yahoo Email Accounts Hacked; Not Certain How Many

Yahoo reported that the email accounts of an estimated 273 million users may have fallen victim to a hacker. If you have a Yahoo email account, you are being advised to change your password immediately. It is unclear of just how many of the users have been directly affected by this attack, but it is believed that the hacker was able to gain access to the accounts via a third-party database compromise.

Scenarios such as this are becoming all too familiar in the world we live in today. With advances on technology, becoming the victim of a hacker is all too close for comfort.

Target found itself in the middle of a security breach back in December, when the credit card information of an estimated 110 million people was loosed into the hands of a hacker. Adobe even found itself the victim of a security breach in which the information for millions of users was compromised.

Neiman Marcus was slowly hacked over a three month period.

It is a pretty scary thought. But in the technology driven world we live in, these types of things are to be expected.

So, how do you protect yourself from becoming the victim of a hacker? How do you keep your information from falling into the wrong hands? I found a very informational article that you may just want to check out over at's Innovation Insights.

In the mean time, be careful out there my friends.

Until next time,

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