Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Secret To Selling Books

Why is some authors seem to be selling books by the truckload, and you can't seem to move one?

Is there some magic code that they have access to that you don't?


The truth is, most authors do not sell more than two books per month, and only a handful manages to master the secret to selling books by the thousands.

It's called work!

Excuse my french, but most authors are lazy when it comes to promoting their books.

They sit back and wait for someone else to do all of the work for them, while they rake in the profits.

I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but if you don't make some effort to sell your own books, you will forever be a starving artist--literally.

Maybe you don't have a huge marketing budget of which to hire a publicist and a PR team, but there are some free ways that you can start to drum up some sales.

Do more than your friends and family even know about your book? Most self-published authors never see past selling books to the people they know and talk to on a regular basis. What about the people who could really benefit from your book but will never hear about it?

You should make it a point to let at least two people know about your book everyday. That's an easy goal to hit; just introduce yourself to two fresh faces who have no idea that you are an author, and ask them to check out your book.

Make fliers. People still look at those and a catchy one will at least make it to the potential readers home. Start passing those babies out.

Start networking more. Don't treat the fact that you are an author like some hidden hobby that no one should know about. Share your profession with everyone you come into contact with.

Don't just accept friends on social media; introduce yourself to them as you accept requests and let them know about your book. You would surprised at how many people will support you just because.

Hopefully I said something to help you.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! I am going to implement your suggestions.
