Friday, April 29, 2011

No is Not the Final Answer

In the publishing industry, as with any industry, you have to have tough skin. Many authors write and publish books with the belief that everyone will read what they have written, and when they realize that not everyone is going to do that, they quit writing altogether, or develop a negative attitude towards those whose books are getting read. You have to understand that not everyone is going to like your work, and there are those who will eat you alive simply because of misconceptions they have about authors who self-publish. One common complaint from the self published author is that the bookstores won't carry their book. Well, look at it like this: there are more places where you can market and sell your book besides in bookstores. You just have to get creative, get out there, and keep working. No is not the final answer; and it most definitely is not a sign of defeat or failure. No is simply a roadblock to your yes. Your job is to find a way around that no. If one person won't buy your book, okay. If a bookclub turns your book down, okay. Keep pushing until you get to those book buyers and clubs that will welcome your book with open arms.

Until next time,

Be sure to order your copy of 'Foolish' in Paperback or ebook

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