Sunday, February 2, 2014

SEO For Authors: Can Your Readers Find You?

 I will just have to come right out and say it; and you may hate me later. But the truth is very evident: the vast majority of authors have no clue about SEO. Sadly, this is a huge reason as to why your book sales are suffering tremendously.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. What it means is pretty much, having your product set up to show up when people are online looking for things. For instance, when you type in 'red shoes' on Google or one of the other search engines. Well, if you have a site that sells red shoes, and your site is set up properly, your site will be the one that people find.

One of the best methods for SEO is the have a blog. People are completely missing the boat when it comes to blogging. Blogging for your business, no matter what the type, can add hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions to your bottom line.

Of course, all of this stuff can get complicated.

You are not an internet marketer, right.
You're just the lady who sells red shoes, right.


You have to educate yourself on how things work online because online is the way of the future.

You can be the red shoe lady dot com. And you can write blog posts on how to find the perfect red shoe, what clothes work best with red shoes, how to find red shoes for any pretty much catch my drift, right. I hope so.

You want to get as many Google searching eyes as you can to find your red shoe site. And you help them to do so with SEO.

I hope I haven't scared you.

But it is something that definitely has to be learned.

Until next time,

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