Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Oh To Be Hated On Twitter

Twitter Is A Powerful Marketing Tool

Twitter has the power to make or break a person. Millions of people take to the microblogging site to post quick updates of their opinions or their 'what I'm doing right now' moments.

I was checking my email this morning and came across a very interesting article for the BET Daily News about how some people are using Twitter to bash their 'favorite' celebrities.

I say favorite loosely because by favorite I mean 'favorite person people love to hate'.

I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion, but should we really be allowed to abuse that entitlement to bash people, even celebrities?

Case in point, if you watched this year's VMA's (Video Music Awards), you probably saw the Miley Cyrus performance that has everyone still talking. (And if you didn't, you can watch it here). Her shocking performance garnered over 300,000 tweets per minute.

Aww, the power of Twitter.

If only authors could realize magical power Twitter holds for them when it comes to book promotion.

Imagine having your raving fans running to post their opinions about you and your book, every minute.

It would spell more books sold and more clout for the author in general.

Yet, so many authors have no idea of just how to tap into the brilliance of Twitter.

So, here is an assignment for you.

  • If you haven't registered for a Twitter account yet, you need to do so.
  • Second, think of the hashtags you want to use in relation to your book.
  • Third, start to tweet, using your hashtags, and reaching out to your fans and followers. Be sure to tell them to follow you on Twitter if they are not already and think of something exclusive that only your Twitter followers can receive.
Twitter is a powerful marketing tool and if used correctly, could propel your writing career to astronomical heights.

Until next time,

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