To Succeed As An Author, You Must Connect With Readers.
There is a sad misconception in the publishing industry. Many authors tend to think that just because they wrote a book, success is going to magically find them.In order to become the success you want to be, you have to learn how to connect with your readers.
The best way to do that is through the use of social media.
Your readers are hanging out on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube and other places online.
Not connecting with them there could prove to not only be detrimental to your book sales, but it could also have the same bearing on your career as an author in general.
People buy from those they know, like and trust.
This is true in the business world as well as in the real world.
If your readers can't find a connection with you, they will not buy your book.
I like to read books of the authors that I have built relationships with.
I have many author friends whose books I have purchase simply because I knew them and wanted to support them. Many of these people I managed to build relationships with via a social media outlet.
As an author, you need to use the power of social media to your advantage.
These outlets should be play a major role in the overall marketing plan of your book.
So how do you use these outlets to foster relationships with potential readers, fans and followers.
Be real. Be unique. Be yourself.
Don't set up a Facebook page just to get likes.
You want to use your Facebook page to actually engage with the people you want to buy your books.
Introduce yourself to people. Answer their questions and let them have a little sneak peak inside your life.
Don't spend all day just tweeting about your book. Nobody wants you selling to them all day.
Remember, the key word in social media is social.
Spend more time talking to your tribe and you will see an increase in both your book sales and profits.
Until next time,
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