Thursday, October 24, 2013

Custom Graphic Design The Fun, Fast and Cheap Way

How to get a custom graphic designed to promote your business  

If you are an author, consultant, or any entrepreneur, you know the importance of having a great logo designed to represent both you and your business. Today I would like to introduce you to a new company called DesignCrowd.

 Get 50% OFF Logo Design Fees at DesignCrowd Today Only!

Need Logo Design? Get +120,000 Designers To Create Custom Logos For You Today!DesignCrowd is composed over 140,000 designers from all over the world with a focus on logos, websites, print and graphic design.

How it works is you submit your idea for a design. You then get over 100 designs from all around the world for you to look at and give feedback on. It's like hosting your very own design contest. From all of the designs, you get to choose the one you like the very best of all. It's like you have all of these people competing for you to choose their design.
If you don't find the best design that the world has to offer, you get a refund of your money. But with hundreds of designs, it would be hard not to find at least one you would like to keep.

Get 50% OFF Logo Design Fees at DesignCrowd Today Only!

Traditionally you would have to wait days, even weeks to get a quality logo or promotional materials  designed for your business and often without much of your creative input.

This company allows a unique for its customers to have a hands on experience while choosing a custom design that is true to their brand.

With over 40 categories to choose from, there is a promotional vehicle for anyone interested in an affordable way to get the word out about their business.

So if you are looking for affordable graphic design that is also fun, fast and cheap, consider DesignCrowd.

Need Logo Design? Get +120,000 Designers To Create Custom Logos For You Today!

Until next time,

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Stop Limiting Yourself

Why thinking small can hold back your success

Many people who follow me online don't know that I am more than an author.
I am also a personal enrichment coach.
My goal is to help people get rid of a fear mentality so that they can experience true success.

Many times we limit ourselves because of the way we think.
We talk our self out of things because we don't really believe that we can have the things that we really want.
Why is that?
Why is it so hard to accept that you don't have to be a failure.
You can be a success in life.
You don't have to struggle; in fact, you were not created to struggle.
You were created to succeed.
Success is in your hands, but you have to decide that you want it.

No one reaches the top of the staircase by standing at the bottom, staring at the top, and doing nothing to get there.
You have to actually climb the stairs.
Most people fail because they don't have a support system in place.
They lack encouragement.

For some, you have never heard that you can do whatever you put your mind to; instead you have been told that you will never amount to anything.
And because you were never told what you could do, you believed the naysayers.
While some lack encouragement, others lack a game plan.
They have no vision, no blueprint, nothing in place to outline how they plan to get from point A to point B.
Without a vision, the people perish.

So how do you get a vision? How do you plan out your life so that you attract success into it, rather than failure?
How do you silence the naysayers that will say to you that you will never amount to anything? How do you prove them wrong?
The answer lies within the pages of my new book, 'Break Free: how to overcome your fears and finally live life on purpose.'

And I am giving it away for free to my readers!

There are three things that are true about fear.
  1. Fear hinders.
  2. Fear stops you.
  3. Fear arrests you and holds your dreams hostage.
Are you ready to learn how to plan out your life so that you can finally achieve success?
Are you ready to silence the naysayers and move forward towards your visions and goals?
If you are truly ready to make a change in your life, click here.

Until next time,

P.S. If you found this post helpful or encouraging, please share it with your friends and those you hold dear.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Ladies Love Michael Kors

Luxury Handbag Designer Finds Sweet Spot In Marketing

I cannot lie. I love luxury handbags. And while some can carry a pretty hefty price tag, I think that every one should invest in at least of them for themselves. My all time favorite: Michael Kors.

Upwards of $300, the collection of handbags and the infamous 'MK" symbol can be seen on the arms of celebrities and social elite. So what is so special about these handbags? I did some investigating to find out.

 According to,the high-end fashion designer thinks of what the average fashion-conscious American woman wants to wear, in order to bring out a hidden sexiness that is both casual and classy.

 Not only is he one of the world's most renowned designers, but he is also a writer. He has contributed to numerous books on fashion.

 I was surprised to learn that most women who purchase a Michael Kors handbag over a Coach bag do so because of the way Kors bags are marketed.

 According to, a major key to the designer's success has been the fact that he "was the first to hit the market's sweet spot: people with money to spend but are not rich." This market is referred to as HENRYs: High Earners Not Rich Yet.

HENRYs earn between $100,000 to $250,000 per year. Though the price tags of $250 to $450 may seem outlandish to those in lower income brackets, members of the HENRY segment are allowed to experience the luxury of owning a designer handbag or watch without feeling like they have just broken the bank.

Choosing the right audience in any business venture is a smart move. Your ideal customer will be more than willing to purchase from you if you present your product to them in a way that they can relate to.

 So, do you want to sell more books, get more clients and make more money? Take a lesson from Mr. Kors.

 Choose your audience wisely.

 Until next time,

 P.S. Share this post with your friends on social media.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Why Being Your Own Boss Sucks

Sometimes life as an entrepreneur can get pretty lonely

whiny business owner
I have been in business for myself for quite some time now, and I will have to be honest with you.

Sometimes it sucks.

Why do I say that?

Well, for a few reasons.

One, it is a huge misconception for you to believe that being your own boss will be all fine and dandy because it won't.

Especially not when you are just getting started in business.

While being an entrepreneur does have it perks, it also has its downside.

First, you are NOT guaranteed a paycheck.

Even if you do have a wonderful product to sell, sometimes you may not have built up a good enough relationship with your potential customers yet to make them want to buy anything from you.

Second, until you make enough money to outsource some things, you will have to handle all of the gory details of business all by your dang self, which can really suck because you my dear are just one person.

So, if being your own boss sucks so much, why do so many people dream of becoming an entrepreneur?

Well, there are a few answers for that question as well.

People are tired of being treated like crap by bosses who only see them as a number, rather than a human being.

You have to agree, there are not many people who can truthfully say that they love their jobs.

Parents want to have the freedom to actually parent their children, rather than have to rely heavily on daycare centers, grandparents and others to care for their children.

Being in business for yourself means that you can make as much or as little money as you want.

There are honestly no caps.

It all depends on you and how hard you are willing to work.

Yes, sometimes it can get lonely sitting in at home in your office all day hacking away at your computer.

You should consider changing your scenery from time to time.

Make Starbucks your office for the day and enjoy a latte while you work.

Being your own boss does not have to suck.

Here's how to make it a good experience:

Decide early on what tasks you can delegate to someone else and find an intern to help with those tasks. Many times college interns welcome the experience of working with an entrepreneur. You can even pay them a monthly stipend of say, maybe $50 bucks. At least this way, the intern has some money in their pocket and you now have a much lighter work load.

Be sure to take a break. Just as you would at your job, take a lunch break and two, ten to fifteen minutes breaks throughout the day. And when you take these breaks, actually take a break. Leave the office for lunch, close your laptop if you are working remotely and don't do any work during those times. You need a break.

Schedule your day. We all have the same 24 hours. You can't spend all of yours working. Actually take out some time to schedule your working hours, breaks, appointments, etc. This way, you are not overly consumed with work and you won't seem like a social hermit.

Take a vacation. Yes, I said it. You can't work all the dang time. Take a few days for some much needed R&R.

Hopefully this post will help your life as an entrepreneur not suck!

Until next time,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Forbidden Secrets Of The Goody Box: October Author Showcase

Valerie J. Lewis-Coleman
 This month on 'The Self-Published Life',  I am honored to feature Author Valerie J. Lewis-Coleman. Every month I will be showcasing self-published authors who are making their dreams of being a published author come true. Now sit back, relax, and enjoy this insightful post, featuring author and entrepreneur, Mrs. Valerie J. Lewis-Coleman.


Valerie J. Lewis Coleman has helped thousands of women find relational fulfillment. With over twenty years of experience in family and relationships, this expert explains how to identify the four types of male hunters, avoid seventy percent of men who only want the goody box and win the heart of Mr. Right-For-You. She shares how she overcame personal struggles and offers proven techniques to help you get off the crazy cycle of relational demise in her novel The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box!


The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box

What your father didn’t tell you and your mother didn’t know

 Chapter 1

 For the Love of Vincent

 Sunday-morning service stirred Debra Hampton’s heart. The poignant message convinced her to resolve a matter that had her torn for almost a year. She had been undecided about whether to marry her live-in boyfriend, Vincent. He didn’t share her religious beliefs and refused to go with her to church, but she knew that he was the best man for her. He laughed at her silly antics, talked with her about her ambitions and encouraged her to greatness. He made her the focal point of his life and involved her in every decision no matter how minute. But it was his touch that held her hostage, kept her toying with God’s love by giving herself to a man who was not her husband.
With her head bowed to hide the free-flowing tears, she exited the church without speaking to anyone. She sat in her Mercedes S550, took a moment to freshen her makeup, expelled a sigh of relief. She looked to Heaven through the panorama sunroof, smiled, closed her eyes, gave thanks. The decision to accept Vincent’s proposal resonated; filled her with peace as she trusted the Lord with her soul mate.
The thirty-minute drive from the inner-city church to her suburban home gave her ample time to reflect upon the life they would build together: three children, business partnership and unlimited mind-blowing sex. The rush of blood to her southern bell—the name her mother called her vagina when she was a child—gave her pause. Fortunately, she was stopped at a red light. She clicked through the Sirius Satellite stations and then opted to enjoy tunes Vincent had downloaded to her iPod a few nights prior.
As she turned into Creekwood Estates—a lavish community north of Dayton—she admired the mansion-sized homes set hundreds of feet from the street. Manicured lawns featured rows of exotic trees, shrubbery and blooming flowers. Cobblestone driveways boasted luxury cars and backyards had customized gym sets or in-ground pools.
Her stucco and brick palatial home was small in comparison to those of her neighbors, but it was big enough for her family-to-be. She loved the side-entry, three-car garage because it camouflaged the unpacked moving boxes from passersby. She parked in the usual spot—closest to the mudroom door—and then she smiled wide. “He’s home.”
Debra grabbed her purse and Bible and then jaunted into the house. She placed her belongings on the granite countertop, careful not to make noise. Since the television wasn’t locked on a sporting event, Vincent had to be resting in the master suite. A 3,500-square-foot home and he preferred the family room and bedroom.
She slipped off her stilettos, tiptoed up the stairs. Her heart beat faster with each step. She wiped her palms together to dry the sweaty moisture, pressed her ear to the door. His subtle snores seeped through. She giggled and then covered her mouth to halt the escape of more laughter.
She opened the door, peeked in, swung it wide. “Vincent! What the devil?”
“Debra, what are you doing here?” After a quick dismount, he rummaged the floor for his Fruit of the Looms. “When’d you get home?”
“Who is this woman and why is she in my bed?” She ran to the side of the bed, towered over her betrayer. Breath stalled in her throat, eyes widened. “Catherine!”
Catherine—the first person to welcome Debra to the neighborhood—reached for her clothes, scurried to dress.
Debra lunged at her, snatched her by the ponytail, drew back her fist. Just as she connected with Catherine’s right jaw, Vincent grabbed Debra around the waist, pulled her away. She flailed her arms, kicked at his shins, head-butted him in the mouth. When he released her, she pursued Catherine who was halfway down the stairs, underwear in tow.
Debra leapt from the top stair, using Catherine as a landing pad. Spewing expletives, she pummeled her in the back of the head, until Vincent pulled her off.
He tightened his grip on Debra’s arms, spun her around to look him in the eyes. “Stop it!” A trickle of blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.
“I cannot believe you had that female up in my house.” The same channels that had released tears of joy now flooded her face in sadness. “Vincent, how could you?” She watched Catherine sprint through the backyard; battered, bruised and butt-naked.
“I tried to tell you, but—”
“You tried to tell me what? The last thing I knew, you were looking for an engagement ring.”
“I was…for Catherine.”
Debra’s head danced like a bobble-head doll, her vision blurred. Her body quivered and then went slack as she collapsed in Vincent’s arms.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few minutes later, Debra awoke on the family-room couch. She picked up the note that set on the table.
I’m sorry you had to find out like this. I’ll be back to get my things. I love you, but not enough to make you my wife.
As she let the note float to the floor, the back door opened and then closed. The man whom she was willing to love forever had tiptoed out of the house and driven out of her life.
The agony of unreciprocated love left Debra in despair. Virtual restrainers confined her to the bedroom—the viaduct of deceit. She cried until her body heaved and the reservoir of tears was empty.

Where you can purchase the book:

 Contacting Valerie:


Also by Valerie:

Valerie J. Lewis Coleman, changing the world one author at a time!
  • Self-Publishing Made Easy - Master self-publishing to make money!
  • The Forbidden Secrets of the Goody Box - What your father didn't tell you and your mother didn't know. Click here to read the first chapter. For Kindle, click here; for Nook and other formats, click here.
  • Blended Families An Anthology - A real account of life in a stepfamily because we are not the Brady Bunch! There's a blessing in the blending! Click here to read stories.  For Kindle, click here; for Nook and other formats, click here.

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Until next time,