Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rhyming Her Way to the Top

November Success Story
**Side note**
This blog was originally featured over at what was intended to be a new blog. However, I have decided to dedicate this blog to writers, their accomplishments and services that can benefit them. Thanks for sticking with me and following me, embracing me and encouraging me. I love you:)

This month's Publishing Success Story is Poet Marcie Eanes.

Marcie Eanes is a journalist and poet who holds a BA in Journalism from
Marquette University in Milwaukee, WI. She has written for numerous publication
including the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and Grand Rapids Press newspapers. Her
work has appeared in Essence and Seventeen magazines. Another accomplishment was
serving on the volunteer team for the inaugural edition of Chicken Soup for the
African American Soul book series.

Eanes has shared her poetry in a variety of venues across the nation. In August
2007 she was one of nine finalists featured at the annual convention of the
National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), one of largest and most
influential organizations for journalists of color. Eanes's poem, Quiet Feminity, was chosen for the Austin International Poetry Festival's 2011 'di-verse'-city' anthology. This prestigious event, yearly in Austin, Texas to celebrate National Poetry Month, highlights poets from the United States and
around the world .

Sensual Sounds is Eanes's first poetry book.She is currently working on a book
entitled 'Passion's Embrace,' a mix of poetry and prose.
Sensual Sounds is available on and

Now living in her hometown of Racine, Wisconsin, Marcie lived in Los Angeles
California for nearly 15 years. Los Angeles was the city where her career as
a spoken word poet began..Eanes is a member of several organizations
including the National Society of Black Journalists (NABJ).

Excerpt from Sensual Sounds:

Marcie Eanes
The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars

Bright golden sun!
Welcome me as a well-loved child
when I rise to greet you.
Energize me with hope as I strive
to reach my life goals.
Remind me not to waste God's gifts
as I move from morning to evening
Fill my days with the brightness
you radiate.

Oh, yellow moon!
Open your arms and soothe my spirits
as light gives way to darkness.
Help me to reflect on the way I've
lived my lived my life in the sun.
Grant me courage to do better tomorrow.
Renew my entire being
in the sleeping darkness.

Twinkling crystal stars!
Illuminate the blue black sky
with your brilliance.
Unequaled beauty God created
for all to enjoy.
Encourage dreams and dreams
and dreams

Sensual Sounds is available on and
ISBN:978-1-4401-9285-2. Follow on Facebook : Marcie Eanes Poetry

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