Thursday, August 7, 2014

Three Ways To Boost Confidence And Self Esteem

Building self confidence ultimately leads to a more positive outlook on life.

We all need to know how to boost confidence and self esteem if we intend on being successful in life.

Having a negative outlook on life shows in our actions and in our everyday dealings with people.

It shows in our posture, and comes out in our words.

Confidence is a feeling of self-assurance arising from one's appreciation of their own abilities or qualities.

It means that you believe in yourself and in the things that you have set out to accomplish.

In this post I am going to share with you three ways that I have found to boost confidence and self esteem. Give them a try and then tell me how they work for you.

1. Sit up straight. According to, a person who sits up straight has more confidence in their thoughts than slouchers. Practice this: imagine that there is a balloon over your head and that holding your head up straight is what keeps the balloon in the air. Every time you sit up straight, the balloon rises, and so does your body. Every time you slouch, this balloon starts to fall and lose air. Practice doing this everyday and watch your posture improve. 

2. Become a blogger. An article on the Huffington Post suggests that blogging your innermost feelings helps to boost confidence because it encourages writing. The key is to pour out your most intimate and agonized entries twice a week for two months and leave your posts open for comments.

3. Look in the mirror and talk to yourself. The third thing you can do to boost confidence and self esteem is to use positive affirmations. Stand in front of the mirror and literally tell yourself what you are. Your affirmations should focus on your future goals. For example, you would look at yourself and say, "I am one smart lady (or man). "I am the best writer in the world." I am an international, best-selling author." Positive affirmations help to build the positive vibes and energy you need in your life to help you stay focused on what it is that you really want in life. Click here here to watch a great video by Louise L. Hay about self esteem affirmations.

If you don't know me personally, I am Dr. Sandra N. Peoples and I help inspire people to do good things in life.

How would you like to get helpful tips, encouraging words and inspiration delivered directly to your inbox? Sign up for my mailing list. You can do that here. And when you do, I will send you a free copy of my book, 'Break Free: How to Overcome Fear and Live Life on Purpose."

Take care until next time,


  1. I honestly believe that everyone should be actively looking for ways to boost confidence and to feel better about themselves, because the better that you can feel about yourself, the better you can make others feel about themselves! :D

  2. Confidence shows in all, great tips!
