Fear Of Advertising Will Kill Your Sales
I see it all too often.A good business idea never makes it past the infant stage because the business owner was scared of one thing: the 'a' word.
What is this word that kills so viciously?
This word that causes people to cringe?
It is a word that should make those with something to sell very happy.
Instead, this 'a' word, makes people tingle with fear.
This dreaded word I speak of, is advertising.
Why are so many so called entrepreneurs afraid of spending money in effort to promote their products and service?
I will tell you why.
There are mainly one of three reasons.
They are either broke, stingy or lazy.
It may be harsh, but it is true.
Many entrepreneurs start their businesses on a wing and a prayer, hoping that they will make enough money from the people who find them through word of mouth.
Don't get me wrong, word of mouth is great for advertising, but how are the words of your business going to get into anyone's mouth if they know nothing about you to begin with?
The same goes for authors.
With so many free platforms available for authors to publish their books on, many tend to think that they don't have to advertise; that people will just so happen to stumble upon their books and make them a bestseller.
Uh-uh, nope, not gonna happen captain.
Even if your advertising costs nothing but investing in a domain name that you will use to promote your work, you need to advertise some sort of way.
Stop being so darn stingy, yet expecting people to spend their money with you.
That is not the way the world works.
Even the bible tells us to give and it shall be given unto us.
Now, you're probably reading this and saying, 'Sandra, this is NOT your normal stuff'.
And you're right. Today's a little different.
I am trying to get you to see that if you invest in someone else's business, people will in turn invest in yours.
Whether it's to buy books, purchase a personal training session, whatever.
The rules don't change.
So, here's my challenge to you.
Stop being stingy and start being more supportive.
If someone offers a service you need and it won't break your bank (yes, you must use wisdom), then support them and buy their service. And in exchange, ask them to support you.
I have sold many books this way, as well as other products and services.
So, don't be mad. Be happy that I care enough about you to tell you to step up your game and start doing what the big kids do: advertise and support.
Until next time,