Thursday, November 14, 2013

How A Book Cover Can Doom A Relationship

Relationships are a lot like books. If you find a great one, you will cherish it forever.
So what would cause a reader to hate a book?
There are quite a few reasons, but there is one in particular that truly stands out.
The cover design was horrible. Did you know that people honestly do judge a book by its cover; and if yours sucks, your book will remain on the shelf, or in some database, wasting away.
Even though the storyline may be great, the cover has to sell the book to the reader.
If the book cover does not make the reader want to to pick the book up and read it, or download it, you may want to consider redoing it.
Now, if you have a traditional publisher, or went with a company to publish your book for you, you may not have this option.
But, if you followed all of the steps to self-publishing, you will have the option to change your book cover.
If you wonder why your book is not selling, you may want to start with re-evaluating the cover.
I peruse the virtual book aisles of Amazon on a daily basis, and I often come across books with nice titles, but crappy covers.
I would not buy a book that has a plain green background and a few words on it.
For one, I can't even get a visual of what the book might be about, and two, it looks like the author didn't even care enough about their work to either invest in a cover or make one themselves.
So, if you at least want to get your potential reader to give your book a wink, make sure the cover entices them. Same for ebooks.
Your cover must call-out to reader, and beg them to download it.
If you are an ebook publisher, and you are looking for a way to make ebook covers that will beg your readers to download your books, click here to see the software that will make readers drool.
See you next time,

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